Lecture by Vivian Price
THE LABOUR MOVEMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE: DEBATES AND OPPORTUNITIESInternationally, labour unions have been recognised as critical...
Lecture by Rana Behal
'Three Moments of Workers’ Struggle in their own Words: Oral History of Labour in post-Independence Amritsar city’In this paper...
AILH/NLI XII International Labour History Conference
The Future of Work in the Mirror of the PastOrganised byV.V. Giri National Labour Institute&Association of Indian Labour...
Handbook Global History of Work
What are the daily routines of workers in different parts of the world, and how have they changed over time? What do contemporary...
Arbeidersstaat zonder Arbeiders?
100 jaar Russische Revolutie: onderzoek, collecties en activiteiten bij het IISG.
De Russische Revolutie van oktober 1917 bracht...
Russische IJzervreters 3: The Last Limousine
19.30 uurHonderd jaar na de Russische revolutie, vijfentwintig jaar na de ineenstorting van de Sovjet-Unie, geven de Balie en het...
Russische IJzervreters 1: Grumant: Island of Communism & 31st Haul
19.30 uurHonderd jaar na de Russische revolutie, vijfentwintig jaar na de ineenstorting van de Sovjet-Unie, geven de Balie en het...
Russische IJzervreters 2: Gatherers of Sea Grass
Tijd: 19.30 uurHonderd jaar na de Russische revolutie, vijfentwintig jaar na de ineenstorting van de Sovjet-Unie, geven de Balie...
Lecture by Linda Clarke
Gelukzoekers in het Arbeidersparadijs
100 jaar Russische Revolutie: onderzoek, collecties en activiteiten bij het IISG.
Revoluties gaan over geluk, of beter gezegd,...
Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk bijzonder hoogleraar aan Radboud Universiteit
Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk is met ingang van 15 juni 2017 benoemd tot bijzonder hoogleraar Comparative History of Households,...
Christian de Vito and the Latin American Labour Congress
LATIN AMERICAN LABOUR CONGRESS . Work and Labourers – Past and Present La Paz, Bolivia – 2-8 May 2017On 2-8 May 2017, the Latin...
Video van bijeenkomst Flexibilisering in Scandinavië
Video van de bijeenkomst op 23 maart in Pakhuis de Zwijger in de reeks #detoekomstvanwerk. Het IISG is partner van deze reeks,...
Lecture by Christian de Vito, 'Precarious Pasts'
Precarious Pasts. Labour flexibility and labour precariousness as conceptual tools for the historical study of the interactions...
Coin Production in the Low Countries: introduction
The IISH research project ‘Coin Production in the Low Countries, fourteenth century to the present’ by Jaco Zuijderduijn, Rombert...
Latin American Labour Congress. Work and Labourers. Past and Present.
The Congress, following the experience of the IISG, will cover the period since 1500. There will be around 60 expositions, 12...
Bestaat de vakbeweging straks nog? Boekpresentatie en paneldiscussie
Tijd: 16.00 - 18.00 uur. Inloop vanaf 15.30 uurAanmelden via secretar[at] onder vermelding van 'Broodnodig'.De Nederlandse...
IRSH Special Issue
"Conquerors, Employers and Arbiters: States and Shifts in Labour Relations, 1500–2000", IRSH latest Special Issue (vol 61 no 24...
ELHN Conference - Call for Papers
The 2nd European Labour History Network Conference will be held in Paris on November 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 2017, following the 1st...
Coin Production in the Low Countries: Visualization & Query
The data of the research project Coin Production in the Low Countries, 14th century-present is visualized in the application in...
Coin Production in the Low Countries: datasets
On this page you find the datasets of the joint research project Coin Production in the Low Countries, 1334-1789 by IISH/NEHA and...
Coin Production in the Low Countries
This website includes datasets on coin production in the Southern and Northern Low Countries (present-day Netherlands, Belgium...
ISHA Newsletter
The International Social History Association (ISHA) published its December 2017 Newsletter (vol. 6 no. 1).CONTENTS:The Politics...
Workshop: Wage Analysis in a Globalising Environment
In its multi-annual research program WAGE develops three main research areas:1. Global convergence of regional wage Wages and...
Publieksavond: Diversiteit Werkt
Start:19:30 uurAmsterdam is de meest multiculturele stad ter wereld, zo luidt de website van de Gemeente Amsterdam. Met 180...
Video: De Toekomst van Werk - De Robot als collega
'Help, de robots komen!' of 'Robots pikken banen in': de media staan vol met dit soort verontrustende berichten over robotisering...
Publieksavond: De Robot als Collega
Over nieuwe kansen op de arbeidsmarkt en de rol van technologieDinsdag 27 september: 20:00 uur Pakhuis de Zwijger, AmsterdamHelp...
Lecture: Globale Geschichte der Arbeit by Marcel van der Linden
The German Trade-union Confederation DGB will organize a debate on Global Labour History and its relevance for current trade-...
Conference in honour of Jan Breman
"Informalizing Economies:The Present and Past of the Social Question at a Global Level"
Samenwerking IISG en Pakhuis de Zwijger
Dit najaar wordt het IISG hoofd-programmapartner van Pakhuis de Zwijger (Amsterdam) in de reeks De Toekomst van Werk. In deze...
Verslag What's New? Flexibilisering Arbeidsmarkt
Donderdag 25 februari was de start van de reeks 'What's New?' waarin het IISG laat zien dat we meer kunnen leren van het verleden...
"On Pauperism in Present and Past"
is the title of the new book by IISH’s honorary fellow Jan Breman. In this book Breman argues that the poor in India are getting...
The General Labour History of Africa, Second authors’ conference
The second General Labour History of Africa (GLHA) conference will be held from 10 to 12 December 2015 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania...
Artikel IISG-Onderzoeker populairst
IISG onderzoeker Richard Zijdeman is co-auteur van het nummer 1 meest gedownloade artikel in Historical Methods, a Journal of...
'Aan het Werk in Mozambique', fototentoonstelling Ernst Schade
In deze collectie highlight hebben we een aantal foto’s van Ernst Schade geselecteerd op basis van het thema “Arbeid” in...
De Strijd-rondleiding: De ideale arbeider. Een ochtend over Henri Polak
Dit najaar zendt de VARA de serie De Strijd uit, over de geschiedenis van de arbeider in Nederland. Hiervoor is veel onderzoek...
Runaways: Desertion and Mobility in Global Labor History, c. 1650-1850
International Institute of Social HistoryDepartment of History, University of PittsburghEarly modern globalization depended on...
INDOC database
The INDOC database contains 24.766 references to articles on labour in Indonesian newspapers between 1996 and 2009.From 1996 to...
CfP Workshop 'Commodity Frontiers'
Workshop“COMMODITY FRONTIERS: A RESEARCH AGENDA"4‐5 December, 2015The transformation of the global countryside through the...
Bread from the Lion's Mouth
The newly awakened interest in the lives of craftspeople in Turkey is highlighted in this collection, which uses archival...
CfP XI International Conference on Labour History
CfP: Runaways: Desertion and Mobility in Global Labor History, c. 1650-1850
Call for papers, deadline 15 April 2015Early modern globalization depended on the mobility and work of millions of workers who...
'Latin America and Caribbean Network on Labour History' web launch
In Buenos Aires, at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín, on March 10 Rossana Barragán will launch the web-page about research...
Riksja rebellie
Een Amerikaanse ondernemer wilde in 1902 Manila, hoofdstad van de Filippijnen, verrijken met enkele honderden riksja's. In...
Lunch seminar by Naaborko Sackeyfio-Lenoch
Naaborko Sackeyfio-Lenoch will give a lunch seminar titled: 'Nation-building, the labor movement and Transnational networks in an...
International Workshop on Wage Labour, Capital and Precarity in African and Global History
The international workshop is organised by the International Institute of Social History, the Institute for History of Leiden...
Lecture by Leon Fink
On March 25th Leon Fink will give a lecture at the IISH"The German-Anglo-American Labor Entente: Origins of the ‘European Model...
Tentoonstelling 'Jubileum op een bord'
Het 80-jarig jubileum van het IISG (1935-2015) is een goede aanleiding om aandacht te besteden aan bijzondere jubileum-objecten:...
Lecture by Sjoukje van der Meulen
"The Role of Labour in Post-Cultural Revolution Chinese Art"
International Workshop on the Comparative Social Histories of Labour in the Oil Industry
Following the earlier organized workshops and conferences on the comparative social histories of labour in the oil industry, the...
Workshop The Impact of Family and Demography on Labour Relations Worldwide, 1500-2000
Program Workshop The Impact of Family and Demography on Labour Relations Worldwide, 1500-2000, 12-13 December 2014Part of the...
Boekpresentatie Rana Behal
Op donderdag 4 december om 14.00 uur presenteert Rana Behal zijn boek:One Hundred Years of Servitude: Political Economy of Tea...
Labour History in Afrika
De nieuwste aflevering van het Cambridge Journal History in Africa (juni 2014) -nu online- bevat een hoofdstuk ‘Labour History...
Thesis defence Kaveh Ehsani
On October 2nd Kaveh Ehsani successfully defended his thesis at Leiden University.“The Social History of Labor in the Iranian Oil...
Op de 996ste dag van zijn expeditie langs de Kongorivier naderde de Britse ontdekkingsreiziger Henry Morton Stanley de Portugese...
Meeting: Towards a General Labour History of Africa: An ILO Project
Round table meeting on behalf of the IISH and the ILO with Andreas Eckert, Ugo Nwokeji, Hanan Sabea and Stefano BelluchiDate: 27...
Protest in Phnom Penh
Tienduizenden demonstranten in de straten van Phnom Penh, de hoofdstad van Cambodja. Ze eisen nieuwe verkiezingen en het aftreden...
Geketende arbeiders
De aanleg van publieke werken kwam in India op 3 mei 1833 onder de verantwoordelijkheid van de Military Board van de British East...
Callcenter industrie
Callcenters van nu worden wel eens vergeleken met de sweatshops van toen. In de Filippijnen heeft de callcenterindustrie een...
Handgemeen van wevers
De gebruikelijke tegenstellingen tussen verschillende religieuze groeperingen werden in Damascus in de 19de eeuw aangescherpt...
"The Slave Next Door"
In de bouwsector is mensenhandel geen onbekend fenomeen. In 2006 werd de Trans Bay Steel Company in California gedaagd in een...
Waardering van Werk
De nieuwste aflevering van Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis (TSEG 2014, jrg 11 no 1) is voor een groot deel...
Bootwerkers op de Mississippi
'De doorsnee bootwerker op een Mississippi rivierboot is een sterke zwarte kerel, een voormalige slaaf die de plantage heeft...
Fighting for a Living
Soldaat is een beroep, vechten is werk. Historici hadden tot nu toe zelden aandacht voor de arbeidsaspecten van het...
Bondage. Labor and Rights in Eurasia
For the first time, this book provides the global history of labor in Central Eurasia, Russia, Europe, and the Indian Ocean...
Boekpresentatie en debat: De VOC en vroegmoderne Globalisering
17:00 - 19:00 uurDe Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC) wordt vaak de eerste multinational ter wereld genoemd. De Compagnie...
Fighting for a Living
This unique volume investigates the circumstances that have produced starkly different systems of recruiting and employing...
CfP International Worlds of Labor Conference
III International “Worlds of Labor” Conference • Salvador, Bahia • BrazilUniversidade do Estado da BahiaThe members of the...
Arbeid en fascisme
Op 10 november 1937 riep de regerende Braziliaanse president Getúlio Vargas de noodtoestand uit om zijn ambtstermijn te kunnen...
Eerste 8-uren Dag in 1856
Bouwvakkers in Sydney en Melbourne waren de eerste werknemers ter wereld die het recht op de 8-urige werkdag binnensleepten. De...
Conference 'General Labour History of Africa'
The first Authors’ Meeting for Volume II (1900-2000) of The General Labour History of Africa project will take place from 11-12...
Een kopje Assam thee
De eerste veiling van Assam thee in Londen op 10 januari 1839 bracht een sensatie teweeg. Kenners omschreven de thee als 'goed,...
Producing silver for the world
The silver trade powered global connections for more than three centuries, and from 1450 to 1800, 85% of the world’s silver...
European Labour History Network
On 12 October 2013, the European Labour History Network (ELHN) was established during a meeting at the IISH in Amsterdam.The ELHN...
Werken in het blauw
'Nildarpan' of 'Spiegel van de Indigoproductie', een toneelstuk over de Bengaalse indigoplantages geschreven door Dinabandhu...
De tweede editie van de Chicago World Fair opende zijn deuren op 26 mei 1934. Het indrukwekkende gebouw van Kohler Sanitaire...
Conference: Labour History – A Return to Politics?
X International Conference on Labour History organized by the Association Of Indian Labour Historians and V.V. Giri National...
Een Fezfabriek in Istanboel
In de 19de eeuw bood de Rijks Fez Fabriek Feshane werk aan zo'n 500 arbeiders van verschillende etnisch en religieuze achtergrond...
Lijfeigenschap afgeschaft
In het 'Emancipatie Manifest' van 3 maart 1861 schafte tsaar Alexander II officieel de lijfeigenschap in het Russische rijk af....
Universele Werkplaats
Op 5 december 1585 verscheen La Piazza Universale di tutte le Professione del Mondo (de Universele werkplaats van alle beroepen...
Onderzoek Werk en Arbeidsverhoudingen!
In 'Outlines of a History of Labour', onderzoekt voormalig IISG onderzoeksdirecteur Jan Lucassen de aanpak en voorlopige...
Outlines of a History of Labour
The scope of contemporary labour history research has broadened considerably, with regard to time frames and geographic space....
Opzichter neergestoken
In de fermenteerschuur van een tabaksplantage op Sumatra's Oostkust werd de opzichter Lühmann aangevallen en zwaar verwond door...
In de maand maart 1900 produceerden 2106 dwangarbeiders en 719 contractarbeiders in de Ombilin mijnen, West Sumatra, 16417 ton...
Luxury and Labour
Het IISG is betrokken bij het onderzoeksproject 'Luxury and Labour, a global trajectory of diamond consumption and production,...
Witte Steenkool
In de Franse Alpen ruist en bruist het water in overvloed. In 1869 kwam de papiermaker Aristide Bergès op het idee de energie van...
Ravi Agarwal - Down and Out
This is a exhibition of 53 photographs by Ravi Agarwal. Most of them were taken in the Indian state of Gujarat in 1997-1999, for...
Seminar: Labour and Road Construction in Colonial Ghana
Seminar on the Research Paper “Labour in the Construction of 'the Great North Road' in Gold Coast (Ghana): 1900-1942” by Dr....
Lof voor IISG
Het Instituut met zijn Global Labour History onderzoeksprogramma kreeg uitvoerig lof toegezwaaid vanuit de VS.De onlangs...
Plants, People and Work
The project Plants, People and Work: The Social History of Cash Crops in Asia, 18th to 20th Centuries started in 2007with a 500,...
Lepel schept levensverhaal
Wie was brandmeester Schweppe? In 1891 kreeg een zekere F. Schweppe een zilveren lepel met inscriptie van zijn dankbare werkgever...
General Labour History of Africa
The project for a General Labour History of Africa (GLHA) is designed to fill the gap in the literature on the history of Africa...
Panel: Workers across Africa
Panel Workers across Africa: global and transnational labour history and labour studies, organized at the 5th European Conference...
Global Labour History wereldwijd
Het tijdschrift Le Mouvement Social, het oudste en belangrijkste Franse tijdschrift over sociale geschiedenis, heeft de Global...
Festschrift voor Marcel van der Linden
De Global Labour History benadering in sociaal-historisch onderzoek, ontwikkeld binnen de Onderzoeksafdeling van het IISG, krijgt...
Subsidie voor Global Labour History onderzoek
Dankzij een royale subsidie van de Gerda Henkel Stiftung in Düsseldorf kan de Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour...
Arbeid in Afrika
Onder auspiciën van het Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis en de International Labour Organization (ILO) is door...
De sterken voor de zwakken
Zonnestraaldag is een dag om te collecteren en fondsen te werven voor het sanatorium Zonnestraal in Hilversum. Dit ziekenhuis...
Roemenen zien geen perspectief
Midden in de zware economische crisis van de jaren '30 ziet de socialistische vakbeweging in Roemenië de toekomst somber in. "Als...
Ridders van de Arbeid versagen
De Canadese Knights of Labor voelen zich volgens hun Canadian Labor Reformer in september 1887 miskend. Zij klagen over weinig...
Human Interest
Labor Daily, the official organ of the labor movement in Australië, brengt vooral vriendelijk nieuws over sport en 'human...
Spandoeken tegen president Estrada
Na een lange en succesvolle carrière als filmster en burgemeester bereikte Joseph Estrada in 1998 het hoogste ambt in de...
Luid gejuich voor Spaanse delegatie
Op de derde Olympische spelen voor arbeiders in Antwerpen in 1937 was men zich bewust van het gevaar van het fascisme. De...
Labour, Coercion, and Economic Growth in Eurasia
The history of the forms of “free” labour is intimately linked to that of coerced labour. In this book, worldwide acknowledged...
Industriële vernieuwing
In de Alpen ruist en bruist het water in overvloed. De Franse papiermaker Aristide Bergès kwam op het idee de energie van de...
Worthy Efforts
In Worthy Efforts Catharina Lis and Hugo Soly offer an innovative approach to the history of perceptions and representations of...
Lonen en geld
loonuitbetaling in beeldIn Wages and Currency. Global Comparisons from Antiquity to the Twentieth Century, een interdisciplinair...
Working on Labor
This collection of seventeen essays takes its inspiration from the scholarly achievements of the Dutch historian Jan Lucassen....
Workshop: Global History of Shipbuilding Labour
Workshop as part of IISH reseach project In the Same Boat? Shipbuilding and ship repair workers: a global labour history (1950-...
49th Linz Conference
Towards a Global History of Domestic Workers and CaregiversThe conference focuses on the global history of domestic workers in...
Labor Relations in the Lusophone World, 1800-2000
Concept Programme for workshop 'Labor Relations in the Lusophone World, 1800-2000'14.00 – 14.40: Sónia Ferreira, Antonio Monteiro...
Global Convict Labour Conference
The conference explores the history of convict labour from a global and long-term (1500-2010) perspective.The work of inmates is...
History of Labour Relations, 1500-2000
Final Workshop of the Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour Relations, 1500-2000
Selling Sex in the City
The aim of this project is to write a global and comparative history of female prostitution from 1600 to the present....
Lecture by Antoinette de Vlieger
Lecture: "Labour relations of domestic workers in the Middle East" by Antoinette de VliegerStarting time: 15:00
ILO Histories
In 2009, the International Labour Organization (ILO) celebrated its ninetieth anniversary. The First World War and the...
Grenzenüberschreitende Arbeitergeschichte / Labour History Beyond Borders
The eleven essays collected in this volume deal with important aspects of the historical and contemporary development of the...
Conference: Selling Sex in the City
Conference: "Selling Sex in the City: Prostitution in World Cities, 1600 to the Present".Concluding conference of the project...
Global Labour History
Global Labour History is not a theory but a field of attention. It concerns the history of all those people who through their...
History of Labour Relations 1500-2000
The International Institute of Social History is working on a Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour Relations in the...
Labour in the Iranian Oil Industry
As the world's most important source of energy, the Middle East has emerged as the key to the stability of global economy. With...
The CLIO-Infra project will create a set of interconnected historical databases on worldwide social, economic and institutional...
Fighting for a Living
This three-year research programme is a comparative study of military recruitment in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, 1500-2000...
What is the working class?
The International Institute of Social History will organize a small workshop on the question 'What is the working class?' The...
Pakistaanse mijnwerkers
Een nieuwe collectie foto's en geluidsbanden documenteert het harde bestaan van arbeiders in de kolen- en zoutmijnen van Pakistan...
Mensen aan het werk
Mensen aan het werk is een selectie foto's van Ben van Meerendonk op Flickr.
People at work is a selection of photos by Ben van...
Asian Labour
Asian Labour: A Debate on Culture, Consciousness and Representations(Papers based on the Manila workshop, 23-25 October 1997)...
Changing Labour Relations in Asia
Asian economies and societies have attracted close attention from policy makers, international development institutions and...
A Study of Industrial Labour in Post-Colonial India
A Study of Industrial Labour in Post-Colonial India - Jan Breman1. Constituting labour2. A Deficient Workforce3. Rejection of the...
Labour Contracts and Labor Relations
Based on a collection of labour contracts and other documents, this book examines the legal, economic and social relations of...
Labour in Southeast Asia
In the first volume of the new book series Changing Labour Relations in Southeast Asia, that the IISH publishes with...
The Ashgate Companion to the History of Textile Workers
This impressive collection offers the first systematic global and comparative history of textile workers over the course of 350...
Dock Workers
Workers who loaded and unloaded ships have formed a distinctive occupational group over the past two centuries. As trade expanded...
High-cost Activism and the Worker Household
High-cost Activism and the Worker Household: Revolutionary Activism among Phillippine plantation workers....
Labour in the Iranian Oil Industry
De Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) een beurs van 530.000 euro toegekend aan een omvangrijk project...
HISCO - History of Work
Central to social, economic and labour history is the world of work, as known by occupational activities and titles. Yet research...
Illegal but Licit
Transnational Flows and Permissive Polities in Asia.Willem van Schendel (Asia Department, IISH & University of Amsterdam) has...
Subsidie voor Clio-Infra
NWO heeft een subsidie toegekend aan het project CLIO-Infra, waaraan het IISG deelneemt. CLIO-Infra zal een aantal onderling...
Social History of Labour in the Iranian Oil Industry (1908 - 2008)
A Social History of Labour in the Iranian Oil Industry is a research project at the International Institute of Social History (...
Past and Present of the International Labour Organization
Programme and Participants
The ILO in Past and Present: A state of the art (Bob Reinalda, Radboud University of Nijmegen &...
Arbeid in de Zeventiende Eeuw
Arbeid in de Zeventiende Eeuw22e Conferentie Werkgroep Zeventiende EeuwIn de zeventiende eeuw maakte de Republiek een snelle...
Abolition of the Slave Trade
The colloquium focused on the long-term consequences of the British abolition of the Atlantic slave trade (1807-8). The...
Towards Global Labour History: New Comparisons
An International Workshop organized by Association of Indian Labour Historians (India) under the SEPHIS Programme and the...
Arvind N. Das Memorial Lecture
On March 19, 2004 Prof. dr. Marcel van der Linden, research director of the IISH, delivered the third Arvind N. Das Memorial...
Sugarlandia - Re-Thinking Sugar Colony in the Asia-Pacific Region in a Global Context
Program and ParticipantsRoger Knight: Sugarlandia. Re-Thinking the Sugar Colony in the Asia-Pacific Region, 1850-1940 (Workshop's...
Labour History of Russia and the Soviet Union: Work in Progress
The conference brought together specialists on Russian and Soviet labour history from North America, Western and Eastern Europe,...
Indentured Plantation Labour
BackgroundFour Australian historians (Rob Castle, Jim Hagan, Roger Knight and Andrew Wells) have been working over many years on...
Masterclass on Global Labour History
On 25 November 2010 the IISH celebrates its 75th Anniversary. One of the activities will be the launch of the first Masterclass...
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) was established in 1949 and now has 215 affiliated organizations in...
Transnational Labour, Transnational Methods
Global Labour History Summer IntituteThe Summer Institute aimed at forging international and North-South research and publication...
Global Labour History in the 21st Century
This conference was organized on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the IISH.Abstracts of papers presented during the...
Labour in Asia
Aims of the SeminarLabour studies in Asia are either general in nature with an emphasis on quantitative anlysis, or have a strong...
Work, Income and the State in Russia and the Soviet Union, 1900-2000
Taking the household or the family as the central unit of analysis the project studies income earning strategies of the non-...
Global History of Textile Workers
Global History of Textile Workers: A global and comparative history of textile workers 1650-2000.In the first phase of the...
Working for the World
Over the last five centuries, the world has come to know Europeans as voracious consumers of colonial products. Right from the...
Comparative History of Christian Workers' Organisations 1840-2000
From the late nineteenth century in continental Europe, and in the second half of the twentieth century also in Quebec, Latin...
Luxury and Labour
Luxury and Labour, a global trajectory of diamond consumption and production, 16th -19th century. In the past four hundred years...
Global History of Shipbuilding Labour
The project In the Same Boat? Shipbuilding and ship repair workers: a global labour history (1950-2010) intends to study...
Prolegomena for a Global Labour History
Contents1. Introduction2. Work,Labour and Wage Labour3. Private and Public Projects4. Labour Movements5. Organizational History:...
Changing LAbour Relations in Asia (CLARA)
The International Research Programme on Changing Labour Relations in Asia (1998-2003) aimed to build a comparative and historical...
1 Mei parade en textielarbeiders in Angola 1975
Foto's van Frits EisenloeffelJournalist Frits Eisenloeffel bezocht Angola in 1975 en 1976 om getuige te zijn van de...
Verkiezingen en contractarbeiders in Namibië 1978
Foto's van Frits EisenloeffelJournalist Frits Eisenloeffel reisde in december 1978 naar Namibië om de verkiezingen te verslaan....
Free Love and the Labour Movement
Papers presented at the workshop 'Free Love and the Labour Movement', International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, 6-7...
Workers of the World
NB Translated into German and published by Campus Verlag, as Workers of the World. Eine Globalgeschichte der Arbeit. Hrsg. von...
Supervision and Authority in Industry
The number of studies discussing the labour relationship under industrial capitalism is overwhelming, but the literature on...
Forging Political Identity
Escaping the traditional focus on Paris, the author examines the divergent political identities of two occupational groups in...
Central European Crossroads
During the four decades of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia a vast literature on working-class movements has been produced...
A Social History Of Spanish Labour
Focusing on organization, resistance and political culture, this collection represents some of the best examples of recent...
Learning on the Shop Floor
Apprenticeship or vocational training is a subject of lively debate. Economic historians tend to see apprenticeship as a purely...
The Rise and Development of Collective Labour Law
The essays in this book are written by recognised experts and provide a comparative overview of the development of labour law in...
Miners and the State in the Ottoman Empire
The story of the miners of Zonguldak presents a particularly graphic local lens through which to examine questions that have been...
The Imaginary Revolution
The events of 1968 have been seen as a decisive turning point in the Western world of even mythical significance. The author...
Anarchism, Revolution and Reaction
The period from 1898 to 1923 was a particularly dramatic one in Spanish history; it culminated in the violent Barcelona 'labor...
Revolution and Counterrevolution
Why did the most unruly proletariat of the Twentieth Century come to tolerate the ascendancy of a political and economic system...
Experiencing wages
When discussing wages, historians have traditionally concentrated on the level of wages, much less on how people were paid for...
Rebellious Families
The question why people rebel is one of the most important questions historians and social scientists have been grappling with...
Class and Other Identities
In recent years, much debate has taken place on the future and function of labour history. Among the issues debated was the...
Wages and Currency
The basic hypothesis of this volume is that currency patterns may tell us something about the spread of wage payments in specific...
A Dream Deferred
This volume brings together the latest work in Russian labour history, based on exciting materials from previously closed...
Between Cross and Class
In the late nineteenth century in a number of continental European countries Christian associations of workers arose: Christian...
Free and Unfree Labour
Historically, capitalism has always integrated various forms of unfree labour, including chattel slavery, convict labour and debt...
Racism and the Labour Market
The contributions in this book emphasize three types of historical situations. First, situations where racially structured unfree...
Global Labour History
The recent wave of globalization has a profound impact on labour. Consequently, research in the field of labour and working-class...