Global Labour History
Global Labour History is not a theory but a field of attention. It concerns the history of all those people who through their work have built our modern world - not only wage labourers, but also chattel slaves, sharecroppers, housewives, the self-employed, and many other groups. + meer
- Historisch onderzoek over VOC schip Rooswijk
- 'Een koninkrijk aan het werk. Johannes van den Bosch (1780-1844), hervormer en wereldverbeteraar in Nederland en de koloniën'
- Between local debts and global markets. Explaining slavery in South and Southeast Asia 1600-1800
- Algemene Nederlandse Diamantbewerkersbond
- History of Work Information System (HISCO)
- Labour conflicts: a list of data files of strikes, lockouts and other labour conflicts
- Labour Camps
- Slavernij Project
- General Labour History of Africa
- Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour Relations, 1500-2000
- Labour in the Iranian Oil Industry
- Luxury and Labour: a global trajectory of diamond consumption and production, 16th -19th century
- Potosí: producing silver for the world in the colonial period (16th - 18th Centuries)
- Shipbuilding and ship repair workers: a global labour history (1950-2010)
- Historische Verkenningen Vakbeweging
- Resilient Diversity: the Governance of Racial and Religious Plurality in the Dutch Empire, 1600-1800
Global Migration History
Migratie geschiedenis is zowel een prominent onderdeel van 'Global Labour History' als een cruciaal onderdeel van de 'Global Economic History'. +meer
- Brickmaking in India, Europe and Russia
- Global Migration History Programme
- “Revisiting the Periphery: The historical roots of today’s mass migration from Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia”.
Global Economic History
- CLIO-Infra project
- Globalization and the Colonial Origins of the Great Divergence
- Historical Prices and Wages
- Russian Historical Statistics
- The Historical dynamics of Industrialization in Northwestern Europe and China, 1800-2010
Structured Social Economic Data Projects
Zie ook: Afgeronde onderzoeksprojecten