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Digital preservation blog

Eerste bijeenkomst Nederlands Vlaamse Archivematica gebruikersgroep
Nu het aantal Archivematica gebruikers en geïnteresseerden in Vlaanderen en Nederland gestaag groeit was de tijd rijp om, in...
Account of Archivematica Camp 2018 @ IISH Amsterdam
The so called Archivematica Camp is an informal and highly informative three day conference that is organized by Artefactual –...
First International Digital Preservation Day 30-11-2017
 Yesterday (30-11-2017) the first International Digital Preservation Day (#IDPD17) took place. This initiative of the British...
The Choice For A Long Term Digital Preservation System
At the beginning of 2017 the IISH decided to use Archivematica as a central system for long term preservation of its digital...
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