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International Workshop on the Comparative Social Histories of Labour in the Oil Industry

11 december 2014

Following the earlier organized workshops and conferences on the comparative social histories of labour in the oil industry, the International Institute of Social History (IISH) organizes a workshop to be held on 11 December 2014 in Amsterdam.

The workshop is scheduled in preparation for an edited volume on the comparative social histories of labour in the oil industry which is part of the larger project Labour in the Iranian Oil Industry at the IISH, supported by the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO).

The volume opens up an important, but significantly overlooked dimension of the oil complex. The papers in this volume are by scholars from a range of disciplines who situate labour and the social, political, and cultural dimensions of oil at the centre of their analysis, shedding light on the historical and contemporary experience of oil workers in a number of key oil producing regions that include Latin America, the Middle East, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Europe and Africa. The volume offers a comparative look at the social history of oil workers, based on original research, archival investigation, or anthropological and sociological field research into how labour relations and experiences have contributed and shaped the emergence of this global extractive industry.

Contact: Touraj Atabaki (tat@iisg.nl)