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Home > Over IISG > Medewerkers - per afdeling > Medewerkers - alfabetisch > Rombert StapelRombert Stapel
- R.J. Stapel, The Late Fifteenth-Century Utrecht Chronicle of the Teutonic Order: Manuscripts, Sources, and Authorship (Doctoral thesis defended at Leiden University: 25 January 2017). Cum laude.
- R.J. Stapel (2016). Reconstruction of Labour Relations in the North Sea Region in the Late Middle Ages: Spatio-Temporal Analysis Using Historical GIS, Taxation Sources, and Coin Finds. In: Digital Humanities 2016: Conference Abstracts, pp. 366-369. Kraków.
- R.J. Stapel & R.L. Zijdeman (2016). Work In A Globalised World. Allocation Algorithm To Add Labour Relations To Digitised Census Data. In: Digital Humanities 2016: Conference Abstracts, pp. 419-421. Kraków.
- R.J. Stapel (2016), Priest-brethren in the Utrecht bailiwick, their superiors and their ties to the community. In: U. Arnold ed., Priester im Deutschen Orden: Vorträge der Tagung der Internationalen Historischen Kommission zur Erforschung des Deutschen Ordens in Wien 2012. Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des Deutschen Ordens 77, pp. 61-73. Weimar: VDG.
- R.J. Stapel & J.D.E. de Vries (2015). Leydis, Pauli and Berchen revisited. Collective history writing in the Low Countries in the late fifteenth century. The Medieval Low Countries. An Annual Review 1, pp. 95-137. Turnhout: Brepols.
- R.J. Stapel (2015). The development of a medieval scribe. In: O. Duntze, T. Schaßan, G. Vogeler eds., Kodikologie und Paläographie im Digitalen Zeitalter 3 / Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age 3. Schriften des Instituts für Dokumentologie und Editorik 10, pp. 67-86. Norderstedt: BoD.
- R.J. Stapel (2014). Priests in the military orders. A prosopographical survey of the priest-brethren in the Utrecht bailiwick of the Teutonic Order (1350-1600). In: K. Toomaspoeg ed., Analecta Theutonica. Studies for the History of the Teutonic Order 1, pp. 99-149. Galatina: Congedo.
- R.J. Stapel (2013). Layer on layer. 'Computational archaeology' in 15th century Middle Dutch historiography. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 28 (2), pp. 344-358.
- R.J. Stapel (2012). Power to the Educated? Priest-brethren and their Education, using Data of the Utrecht Bailiwick of the Teutonic Order (1350-1600). In: Edbury, P. (Ed.), The Military Orders 5: Politics and Power, pp. 337-348. Farnham: Ashgate.
- R.J. Stapel & G. Vollmann-Profe (2010). Cronike van der Duytscher Oirden. In: Dunphy, R.G. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle, 1. , pp. 328-329. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- R.J. Stapel (2009). 'Onder dese ridderen zijn oec papen'. De priesterbroeders in de balije Utrecht van de Duitse Orde (1350-1600). Jaarboek voor Middeleeuwse Geschiedenis, 11 (2008), pp. 205-248.
- R.J. Stapel (2014). [Review of: Huib J. Zuidervaart, Ridders, priesters en predikanten in Schelluinen. De geschiedenis van een commanderij van de Ridderlijke Duitsche Orde, Balije van Utrecht]. In: BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review 129 (4), review 96.
- R.J. Stapel (2009). Editieproject visitaties Duitse Orde in stijl afgesloten. [Review of: M. Biskup and I. Janosz-Biskupowa eds., Visitationen im Deutschen Orden im Mittelalter. Teil III: 1528-1541, sowie Nachträge, Korrekturen und Ergänzungen, Orts- und Personenverzeichnis]. In: Contactgroep Signum, 2009
- R.J. Stapel (2009). [Review of: E. Feistner, G. Vollmann-Profe and M. Neecke, Krieg im Visier. Bibelepik und Chronistik im Deutschen Orden als Modell korporativer Identitätsbildung]. In: Scriptorium. Revue internationale des études relatives aux manuscrits, LXII-2008
- R.J. Stapel et al. (2011-2016). Stylesheet De Buck, Zoeken en Schrijven (e.g. for Zotero).

Rombert Stapel (1983) studied Medieval History at Leiden University. He graduated in 2008 on a prosopographical study of the priest-brethren of the Teutonic Order in the Utrecht bailiwick (1350-1600). He then started working on a PhD dissertation at Leiden University and the Fryske Akademy (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences) concerning a late fifteenth-century Middle Dutch chronicle of the Teutonic Order, the Croniken van der Duytscher Oirden or Jüngere Hochmeisterchronik, which became an influential text in the Baltic region in the sixteenth century. He defended his thesis, cum laude, on January 25th 2017.
He is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher for the project Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour Relations 1500-2000 and the joined Huygens ING, Meertens Instituut, and IISH program The Impact of Circulation. In the last few years, he has been studying labour relations in various parts of the world (including the history of self-employment), medieval and early modern coin production, and the circulation of knowledge, goods, and people in the world. He is particularly interested in the spatial humanities: one project aims to create linked open data gazetteers of historical place names, and the other is a GIS map of late medieval administrative-judicial units in the Low Countries (heerlijkheden) by using hearth taxes, which aims to replace or at least update the Geschiedkundige Atlas van Nederland by A.A. Beekman.
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