Lucas Poy

Lucas Poy is researcher at the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Argentina), lecturer at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, and Executive Assistant of the International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI).
He completed his Ph.D. in 2013, in the University of Buenos Aires, with a dissertation on the origins of the Argentine labour movement in the late 19th century. Published as a book in 2014 —a second edition appeared in 2015— it addressed the transformation process that Argentina, as many other Latin American countries, went through in the last third of the 19th century, with important consequences in economic, political, and social terms. He has published many articles on labour and social history in the International Review of Social History, Labor History, Nuevo Mundo/Mundos Nuevos, European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Science & Society, Socialist History, Historical Materialism, and in different Latin American academic journals.
He is member and founder of the Centro de Estudios Históricos de los Trabajadores y las Izquierdas in Buenos Aires (affiliated with the IALHI) and of the Red Latinoamericana Trabajo y Trabajadorxs (REDLATT). He also belongs to the editorial committee of several academic journals.
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