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Dennie Oude Nijhuis (Ph.D., 2009) is senior researcher at the International Institute of Social History (IISH). He is also assistant professor at the Institute for History and chair of the MA International Relations at Leiden University. Previously, he was a research fellow at Yale University’s Department of Political Science.
Oude Nijhuis specializes in the comparative political economy of labor markets and welfare states and the political economy of European integration. He is the author of Labor Divided in the Postwar European Welfare State (Cambridge University Press 2013). He has published in outlets such as International Labor and Working Class History, the Journal of Economic and Social Geography, the Journal of European Social Policy, the Journal of Policy History, Labor History, Socio-Economic Review, Twentieth Century British History, and World Politics.
His current main research project involves a comparative analysis of twentieth century labor market development in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Labor Divided: Union Structure and the Development of the Postwar Welfare State in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom (Cambridge University Press, 2013).
“Low Pay, Wage Relativities, and Labour’s First Attempt to Introduce a Statutory National Minimum Wage in the United Kingdom", Journal of Policy History 28:1 (2016): 81-104.
“Labor Divisions and the Emergence of Dual Welfare Systems,” Journal of European Social Policy 26:1 (2016): 66-79.
“The TUC and the Failure of Labour’s Postwar Redistributive Agenda,” International Labor and Working Class History 88:1 (2016): 1-26.
“The Evolution of the Dutch CME and Different Political Coalitions,” TSEG 12:3 (2015) 90-94.
“Incomes Policies, Welfare State Development, and the Notion of the Social Wage,” Socio-Economic Review, 13:4 (2015): 771-790.
“Explaining British Voluntarism.” Labor History, 52: 4 (2011) 373-398.
“Contextual Influences and the Dutch Rejection of the EU Constitutional Treaty: Understanding Municipality Differences,” with Peter Tammes. The Journal of Economic and Social Geography, 102:3 (2010): 455-467.
“Een monsterverbond? Werkgeversorganisaties en het gebruik van de WAO om overtollige werknemers af te vloeien,” Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis, 7:1 (2010): 110-137.
“Revisiting the Role of Labor: Worker Solidarity, Employer Opposition, and the Development of Old Age Pensions in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom,” World Politics, 61:2 (2009): 296-329.
“Rethinking the Beveridge Strait-jacket: The Labour Party, the TUC and the Introduction of Superannuation,” Twentieth Century British History, 20:3 (2009): 1-26.
“The Development of the Vocational Training System in the Netherlands”, with Karen Anderson. In Christine Trampusch and Marius Busemeijer, The Comparative Political Economy of Collective Skill Systems (Oxford University Press, 2011): 101-125.