In October 2005, drs. Jan Bruggeman took over the project 'Living strategies of workers, born in Rotterdam' (RAM) from drs. Marijke van der Woude. The research is aimed at the analysis of two generations of Rotterdammers, 1850-1980. The 'Winstverdelingscommissie SNS Reaal' finances the project. The gathering of the data is partly financed by NWO (file number 370-52-004) and will result in a thesis. Promotor is prof. dr. A.F. Heerma van Voss.
The research will give insight in the living strategies used by Dutch workers, aimed at surviving, or even social mobility. In the history of the working class until now attention usually was focused on a one-dimensional strategy: joining the labour movement. In reality the working class used numerous strategies, like education, marriage, ownership of a small company and buying a small house.
The research is part of the Pioneer project of prof. dr. L. Lucassen, where the life courses of persons not born but living in Rotterdam are analyzed. During the year 2001, data was gathered for the first generation, which is equal to the HSN-birth cohort 1843-1862. In 2002, data of the second generation was entered. In addition, it was decided not to enter a third generation but obtain a second child of the second generation. In July 2004, the first generation was fully completed and the second generation was almost completed.