Products of the HSN are distinguished in three main categories:
- In the section publications, you will find all books, articles and other publications related to the HSN-database or HSN-organization.
- In the section presentations, you will find all conference papers, interviews and other public appearances related to the HSN-database or HSN-organization.
- In the section releases, you will find general information about all our public and non-public releases that appeared since the start of the HSN. On this page, you also will find demo-releases and information about variables and data-structure.
By means of the download service, you can download public and non-public HSN-data after getting confirmation by email from HSN.
There are certain conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to work with HSN data. The HSN would like to stress that it respects the individual privacy of the persons in the database. Users of HSN data must therefore fill in and sign a licence agreement and agree with our privacy rules. For more information see at privacy statement. The license agreement cannot be signed online; it will be send to you before receiving the dataset.
The HSN also provides services for scientific research. If you are interested, please send your request to the HSN (