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Peyman Jafari (Teheran, 1976) graduated in Political Science at the University of Amsterdam.
He is working on a PhD-project on the social history of labour in the Iranian oil industry from 1973 to 1993, which covers three periods. The first period covers the transformative decade of the 1970s, when the Iranian state increased its control over the oil industry and expanded its operations. As a result, the workforce increased and its composition altered significantly, partly due to immigration and recruitment from higher education institutions. Oil workers’ living and working conditions are examined in relation to the larger socio-political developments in this period. The second period focuses on the role of oil workers during the Iranian revolution (1978-79), including the mass strikes in the oil industry, and the rise and fall of oil workers’ collective organizations. The third period explores the impact of the Iran-Iraq war (1980-88) on the oil workers’ communities in Khuzestan, their emigration and changing relation with the post-revolutionary state.
Peyman Jafari collaborates within the project A Social History of Labour in the Iranian Oil Industry (1908-2008).
Iran in the Middle East: Transnational Encounters and Social History. Co-edited with Houchang Chehabi and Maral Jefroudi (London: I.B. Tauris, 2015).
Der Andere Iran: Geschichte und Kultur van 1900 bis zur Gegenwart (München: C.H. Beck, 2010).
Het andere Iran: van de revolutie tot vandaag (Amsterdam: Ambo/Anthos, 2009).
“Linkages of Oil and Politics: Oil Workers and the Iranian Revolution.” Labor History (special issue), forthcoming (Spring 2018).
“Introduction: Against All Odds – Labour Activism In the Middle East and North Africa.” Workers of the World - International Journal on Strikes and Social Conflicts 7 (2015), 6-13.
“Reasons to Revolt: Iranian Oil Workers in the 1970s.” International Working-Class and Labor History 84, 195-217.
“Rupture and Revolt in Iran.” International Socialism Journal 124 (2009).
“Fluid History: Oil Workers and Dual Power in the Iranian Revolution.” Touraj Atabaki, Elisabetta Bini, and Kaveh Ehsani (eds.), Working for Oil: Comparative Social Histories of Labour in Petroleum (London: MacMillan Palgrave, 2017).
“Introduction.” Houchang Chehabi, Jafari, Peyman and Maral Jefroudi, Iran in the Middle East: Social History and Transnational Encounters (London: I.B. Tauris, 2015).
"The Ambiguous Role of Entrepreneurs in Iran." Paul Aarts and Francesco Cavatorta (eds.). Civil Society in Syria and Iran: Activism in Authoritarian Contexts (Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2012).
“Social and Economic developments in Europe and the Middle East. Case study: Iran, 1953-2000.” IB Course Companion: History of Europe and the Middle East (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010).
"Noam Chomsky: de verantwoordelijkheid van intellectuelen." Ronald van Raak (red.), Socialisme - what's left? Diemen: Veenmagazines.
Special issue of Workers of the World - International Journal on Strikes and Social Conflicts 7, dedicated to labour activism in the Middle East and North Africa.
“Reading Touraine and Melucci in Iran.” Review of Simin Fadaee, Social Movements in Iran : Environmentalism and Civil Society. Iranian Studies (London: Routledge, 2012). In: International Review of Social History 58 (3), 544-47.
Review of Colin Barker, Laurence Cox, John Krinsky and Alf Gunvald Nilsen (eds.), Marxism and Social Movements. Historical Materialism Book Series (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2013). In Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 10 (4), 121-22.
“Informing empire: comprador intellectuals in the age of Islamophobia.” Tehranreview.net. Review of Hamid Dabashi, Brown Skin, White Masks (London: Pluto Press, 2011).
Rob Vreeken. “Iran-deskundige: ‘Aanslag Teheran past niet in beeld IS.’” De Volkskrant (7 juni 2017). Retrievable from http://www.volkskrant.nl/buitenland/iran-deskundige-aanslag-teheran-past-niet-in-het-beeld-van-is~a4499546/
“Iran After the Elections.” Jacabin (5 November 2016). Retrievable from https://www.jacobinmag.com/2016/05/iran-elections-rouhani-reformists-nuclear-deal/
Stieven Ramdhari. “Ayatollahs zijn teleurgesteld als Netanyahu verliest.” De Volkskrant (17 maart 2015). Retrievable from http://www.volkskrant.nl/opinie/peyman-jafari-ayatollah-s-zijn-teleurgesteld-als-netanyahu-verliest~a3909950/
Eline Gordts. “Iraniërs beseffen dat ze zelf de straat op moeten om hun land te veranderen.” Mondiaal Nieuws (9 January 2010). Retrievable from http://www.mo.be/artikel/peyman-jafari-iraniers-beseffen-dat-ze-zelf-de-straat-op-moeten-om-hun-land-te-veranderen
Peter Giesen. “In het land van de ayatollahs.” De Volkskrant (27 juni 2009). Retrievable from http://www.volkskrant.nl/archief/in-het-land-van-de-ayatollahs~a351256/