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Home > Over IISG > Medewerkers - per afdeling > Medewerkers - alfabetisch > Peter FoldvariPeter Foldvari

I am an economist (PhD Utrecht School of Economics 2006) and historian (MA Debrecen University 2000 ) with strong interest and affinity for statisitics, economic models and their application for historical problems.
Until 2012 I worked as associate professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Debrecen University, where I taught econometrics, economic hsitory and economic development. Between June 2012 and April 2015 I was postdoc resarcher within the Centre for Global economic History at Utrecht University and was responsible for the institutions hub of the CLIO-INFRA.
Since Nov 2015 I have worked as post-doc reasearcher at the International Institute of Social History. I taught econometrics for Master students at the Utrecht School of Economics. In 2016 I teach introduction to economics, international monetary relations at the University of Groningen, and Macroeconomics at the PPLE College of the University of Amsterdam.
PhD thesis
The economic impact of the European integration on the Netherlands: A quantitative analysis of foreign trade and foreign direct investment, Utrecht University. 2006
Journal articles in international peer-reviewed journals
1. Economic mobility in a colonial and post-colonial economy: the case of Indonesia. Forthcoming in Journal of Interdisciplinary History (with Bas van Leeuwen)
2. De facto versus de jure political institutions in the long-run: a multivariate analysis, 1820-2000. Forthcoming in Social Indicators Research
3. Capital formation and economic growth under central planning and transition: a theoretical and empirical analysis, ca. 1920-2008, Acta Oeconomica, Vol.65 (1) 2015, 27-50. (with Bas van Leeuwen and Dmitry Didenko)
4. Inspiration versus perspiration in economic development of the Former Soviet Union and China (ca. 1920–2010), The Economics of Transition, Vol. 23(1) 2015, 213-246. (with Bas van Leeuwen and Dmitry Didenko)
5. Educational and income inequality in Europe, ca. 1870-2000, Cliometrica Vol. 8 (3) 2014, 271-300. (with Bas van Leeuwen)
6. Where do ideas come from? The relation between book production and patents from the industrial revolution to the present. European Journal of Science and Theology, Vol. 10(3) 2014, 131-147. (with Plopeanu, A., Leeuwen, B. van and Zanden, J. L. van)
7. The Changing Shape of Global Inequality 1820-2000 Exploring a new dataset (with Jan Luiten van Zanden, Bas van Leeuwen, Jörg Baten), Review of Income and Wealth, Vol.60 (2) 2014, 279-297.
8. The spread of human capital in the former Soviet Union area in a comparative perspective: Exploring a new dataset, Journal of Eurasian Studies,Vol. 4(2) 2013, 123–135 (with Dmitry Didenko and Bas van Leeuwen)
9. The contribution of migration to economic development in Holland 1570-1800, De Economist Vol. 161(1) 2013, 1-18. (with Bas van Leeuwen and Jan Luiten van Zanden).
10. Indonesia’s regional welfare development, 1900-1990: new anthropometric evidence, Economics & Human Biology, Vol. 11(1) 2013, 78-89. (with Bas van Leeuwen, József Gáll, and Daan Marks).
11. Comparing per capita income in the Hellenistic world: the case of Mesopotamia, Review of Income and Wealth, Vol. 58(3) 2012, pp. 550–568. (with Bas van Leeuwen).
12. Capital accumulation and growth in Central Europe, 1920-2006, Eastern European Economics, Vol 51(5) 2013, 69-93. (with Bas van Leeuwen).
13. How did women count? A note on gender specific age heaping differences in the 16th-19th century, Economic History Review, Vol. 65 (1) 2012, 304-313. (with Bas van Leeuwen and Jieli van Leeuwen-Li).
14. Markets in pre-industrial societies: storage in Hellenistic Babylonia in the medieval English mirror, Journal of Global History Vol 6. (2) 2011, 169-193. (with Bas van Leeuwen and Reinhard Pirngruber)
15. Capital accumulation and growth in Hungary, 1924-2006, Acta Oeconomica , Vol. 61 (2) 2011, 143-164. (with Bas van Leeuwen).
16. Should less inequality in education lead to a more equal income distribution?, Education Economics , Vol. 19 (5) 2011, 537-554. (with Bas van Leeuwen).
17. What can price volatility tell us about market efficiency? Conditional heteroscedasticity in historical commodity price series, Cliometrica, vol. 5 (2), 2011, 165-186. (with Bas van Leeuwen)
18. Do Purchasing Power and interest rate parities hold for the euro/forint exchange rate? A time-series analysis. Acta Oeconomica Vol. 59(3), 2009, 289-306. (with László Erdey)
19. Global Income Distribution and Convergence 1820–2003, World Economics Vol. 10(2) 2009, 117-148. (with Jan Luiten van Zanden)
20. Average years of education in Hungary: annual estimates 1920-2006. Eastern European Economics Vol. 47(2) 2009, 5-20. (with Bas van Leeuwen)
21. Estimating Income Inequality from Tax Data with A Priori Assumed Income Distributions in Hungary, 1928–41. Historical Methods Vol. 42(3) 2009, 111-115.
22. Human Capital and Economic Growth in Asia 1890-2000: a time-series analysis. Asian Economic Journal Vol. 22(3) 2008, 225-240. (with Bas van Leeuwen)
23. An Alternative Interpretation of "average years of education" in growth regressions, Applied Economics Letters Vol. 16(9) 2009, 945-949. (with Bas van Leeuwen)
24. How much human capital does Eastern Europe have? Measurement methods and results. Post-Communist Economies Vol. 20 (2) 2008, 189-201 (with Bas van Leeuwen)
25. An Estimation of the Human Capital Stock in Eastern and Central Europe, Eastern European Economics, Vol. 43 (6) 2005, 53-65 (with Bas van Leeuwen)
Contributions in volumes in Englis
1. Market performance in early economies: concepts and empirics: With an application to Babylon. (with Bas van Leeuwen) In: Spek, R. J. van der, Zanden, J. L. van and Leeuwen, B. van (eds.), A History of Market Performance, From Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World, Routledge Explorations in Economic History, 2014, 19-44.
2. Risk aversion and storage in autarkic societies: from Babylonian times until the era of globalization (with Bas van Leeuwen) In: Spek, R. J. van der, Zanden, J. L. van and Leeuwen, B. van (eds.), A History of Market Performance From Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World, Routledge Explorations in Economic History, 2014, 473-488.
3. Growing silver and changing prices: the development of the money stock in ancient Babylonia and medieval England (with Bas van Leeuwen and R. J. van der Spek) In: Spek, R. J. van der, Zanden, J. L. van and Leeuwen, B. van (eds.), A History of Market Performance From Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World, Routledge Explorations in Economic History, 2014, 489-505.
4. Long-run patterns in market performance in the Near East, the Mediterranean and Europe from Antiquity to c. AD 1800 (with Bas van Leeuwen and J. L. van Zanden) In: Spek, R. J. van der, Zanden, J. L. van and Leeuwen, B. van (eds.), A History of Market Performance From Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World, Routledge Explorations in Economic History, 2014, 506-526
5. Chapter 8 Personal security since 1820 (with Baten, J., W. Bierman and J.L. van Zanden) In How Was Life? Global Well-being since 1820 (van Zanden, J., et al. (eds.)), OECD, Paris, 2014
6. Chapter 9 Political institutions since 1820 (with K. Buzasi) In How Was Life? Global Well-being since 1820 (van Zanden, J., et al. (eds.)), OECD, Paris, 2014
7. Chapter 11. Income inequality since 1820 (with Baten, J., Moatsos, M., Van Luuwen, B. and van Zanden, J. L.) ) In How Was Life? Global Well-being since 1820 (van Zanden, J., et al. (eds.)), OECD, Paris, 2014
Journal articles in Hungarian
1. Nyitottság és növekedés (openness and growth), Competitio 2004/2, 126-134.
2. A tudásprémium közgazdasági összefüggéseiről (On the economic interrelations of skill premium), Competitio 2004/3, 175-188.
3. A vályogkunyhótól a mikroprocesszorig: az egyesített növekedéselmélet (From the mud hut to the microprocessor: the Unified Growth Theory), Competitio 2007/2, 29-49.
4. A magyar lakosság átlagos iskolázottságának becslése 1920-2006 (An estimation of the average level of schooling in Hungary, 1920-2006), Statisztikai Szemle Vol.86 (10-11), 995-1010, 2008 (with Bas van Leeuwen)
5. A magyarországi demográfiai átmenet nem-lineáris idősorelemzése (A non-linear time-series analysis of the demographic transition in Hungary), Demográfia 2008 2/3, 244-258.
Contributions in volumes in Hungarian
1. Teljes termelési tényező hatékonyság Magyarországon: történeti idősorok empirikus elemzése (Total Factor Productivity in Hungary: an empirical analysis of historical time-series) In: Kapás, J. (ed.) Technológiai fejlődés és intézmények. Competitio könyvek, DE KTK, Debrecen, 2009, 71-81. (with: Bas van Leeuwen)
2. Gazdaságfejlesztési célú oktatási stratégiák hazai és regionális tapasztalatainak elemzése. (An assessment of the domestic and regional educational strategies in fostering economic development) In: Mazsu János, Ujhelyi Mária (ed.): Oktatás és munkaerőpiac az Észak-alföldi Régióban. Debreceni Egyetem TEK Európai Tanulmányok Központja. Debrecen, 2009, ISBN 978-963-473-256-3, 123-157. (with: Erdey László)
3. Mennyi emberi tőke van Kelet-Közép-Európában? (How much human capital is there in Central- and Eastern Europe?) In: Mazsu János, Ujhelyi Mária (ed.): Oktatás és munkaerőpiac az Észak-alföldi Régióban. Debreceni Egyetem TEK Európai Tanulmányok Központja. Debrecen, 2009, ISBN 978-963-473-256-3, 181-191.
Working papers
1. Foldvari P., 2014. "A latent democracy measure 1850-2000.” CGEH Working Paper No. 59
2. Foldvari P., 2014. "Measuring de facto versus de iure political institutions in the long-run: a multivariate statistical approach." MPRA Paper No. 56576.
3. Xu, Yi, Foldvari, P. and Leeuwen, Bas van 2013. "Human capital in Qing China: economic determinism or a history of failed opportunities?" MPRA Paper No. 43525.
4. Didenko, D., Földvári, P. and Leeuwen, B. van, 2013. "Inspiration and Perspiration Factors in Economic Growth: The Former Soviet Union Area versus China (ca. 1920-2010)," Global COE Hi-Stat Discussion Paper Series 283, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo
5. Leeuwen, B. van, Leeuwen-Li, J. van and Foldvari, P., 2012. "Education as a driver of income inequality in twentieth-century Africa," MPRA Paper No. 43574
6. Foldvari,P. , Leeuwen, B. van and Zanden, J. L. van, 2012. "The contribution of migration to economic development in Holland and the Netherlands 1510-1900," Working Papers 0025, Utrecht University, Centre for Global Economic History.
7. Plopeanu, A., Foldvari, P., Leeuwen, B. van and Zanden, J. L. van, 2012. "Where do ideas come from? Book production and patents in global and temporal perspective," Working Papers 0033, Utrecht University, Centre for Global Economic History.
8. Leeuwen, B. van and Foldvari, P., 2012. "The development of inequality and poverty in Indonesia, 1932-1999," Working Papers 0026, Utrecht University, Centre for Global Economic History.
9. Didenko, D. , Foldvari, P. and Leeuwen B. van, 2012. "A dataset on human capital in the former Soviet Union area; Sources, methods, and first results," Working Papers 0035, Utrecht University, Centre for Global Economic History.
10. Leeuwen, B. van, Leeuwen-Li, J. van and Foldvari, P., 2011. "Regional human capital in Republican and New China: Its spread, quality and effects on economic growth," MPRA paper No.43582,
11. Zanden J. L. van, Baten, J., Foldvari, P. and Leeuwen, B. van, 2011. "The Changing Shape of Global Inequality - exploring a new dataset," Working Papers 0001, Utrecht University, Centre for Global Economic History.
12. Földvári, P., Leeuwen, B. van and Zanden, J. L. van, 2011. "Long-run patterns in market efficiency and the genesis of the market economy: Markets around the Mediterranean from Nebuchadnezzar to Napoleon (580 BC and 1800AD)," CEPR Discussion Papers 8521, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
13. Foldvari, P., Leeuwen, B. van and Pirngruber, R., 2011. "Markets in pre-industrial societies: storage in Hellenistic Babylonia in the English mirror," Working Papers 0003, Utrecht University, Centre for Global Economic History.
14. Leeuwen, B. van and Földvari, P. 2011. "Capital accumulation and growth in Central Europe, 1920-2006," Working Papers 0023, Utrecht University, Centre for Global Economic History.