Klaas Stutje
- 2018. ‘1908, Indonesische studenten leggen basis voor internationaal antikolonialisme’, in: Marjolein ’t Hart, Karel Davids e.a. (eds.), Wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland (Amsterdam: Ambo Anthos) 478-483.
- 2018. ‘Indonesian Nationalism in the Netherlands, 1920s-1930s: Long-Distance Internationalism of Elite Pilgrims in Homogeneous, Empty Time’, in: Gemma Blok, Vincent Kuitenbrouwer, and Claire Weeda (eds.), Imagining Communities: Historical Reflections on the Process of Community Formation (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press 2018).
- 2017. ‘”Volk van Java, de Russische Revolutie houdt ook lessen in voor U”; Indonesisch socialisme, bolsjewisme, en het spook van het anarchisme’, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 130.3, pp. 427-447.
- 2016. Behind the Banner of Unity: Nationalism and Anticolonialism among Indonesian Students in Europe, 1917-1931 (University of Amsterdam, thesis).
- 2015. 'To Maintain an Independent Course: Inter-war Indonesian Nationalism and International Communism on a Dutch-European Stage', Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Country Studies 39.3, pp. 204-220.
- 2015. 'The Complex World of the Chung Hwa Hui: International Engagements of Chinese Indonesian Peranakan Students in the Netherlands, 1918–1931', Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 171.4, pp. 516–54.
- 2015. ‘Indonesian Islam in Interwar Europe: Muslim Organizations in the Netherlands and Beyond’, in: Bekim Agai, Umar Ryad and Mehdi Sajid (eds.), Muslims in Interwar Europe: A Transcultural Historical Perspective (Leiden: Brill publishers) 125-150.
- 2013. ‘Indonesian Identities Abroad: International Engagement of Colonial Students in the Netherlands, 1908-1931’, BMGN-LCHR 128.1, pp. 151-172.
- 2008. ‘De Indische Gids en de liberale, koloniale discussie’, Skript Historisch Tijdschrift 29.4, pp. 63-78.
- 2017. 'Christian G. De Vito and Alex Lichtenstein: Global Convict Labour', review in: TSEG-The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic HIstory 14.1, 120-122.
- 2017. 'Marc Buggeln: Slave Labor in Nazi Concentration Camps', review in: International Review of Social History 62.1, 164-167.
- 2015. 'Bart Luttikhuis: Negotiating Modernity, Europeannes in Late Colonial Indonesia', review in: dissertationreview.org.
- 2014. ‘John Ingleson: Workers, Unions and Politics. Indonesia in the 1920s and 1930s’, review in: Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 170, 583–584.
- 9 oktober 2018. ‘Koloniaal geluk is niet los te zien van koloniaal leed’, NRC Handelsblad.
- 17 juli 2018. ‘Hoe valorisatie ook een vorm van emancipatie kan zijn’, overdemuur.org.
- 17 augustus 2017 Onafhankelijkheid met het mes op de keel, overdemuur.org.
- 2 augustus 2017. De rellen in Hamburg: een reactie, overdemuur.org.
- 8 juni 2017. Werken internationale mega-congressen wel?, overdemuur.org.
- 21 mei 2017. Impact Russische Revolutie in Nederlands-Indië, iisg.nl
- 27 april 2017. ‘Thuis werk je beter’ en andere symptomen van werkstress, overdemuur.org.
- 20 april 2017. Nederland is nooit wit geweest, overdemuur.org.
- 2016. 'Ambassadeurs zonder land. Indonesische nationalisten in de jaren twintig op zoek naar internationale steun', Kennislink.nl.
- 2014. ‘Change in Indonesia: critical reflections on the Indonesian elections’, OpenDemocracy.net.
- 2014. ‘Indonesië: de straat tegen de straat’, dewereldmorgen.be.
- 2014. ‘Naïviteit tekent het debat over ons dekolonisatieverleden’, Grenzeloos.org.
- 2013. ‘Veranderingen in Indonesië’, Grenzeloos.org.
- 2008-2017. Several articles on Historici.nl, Grenzeloos.org and Solidariteit.nl
- 2016- . Editor and co-founder of https://overdemuur.org/
- 2017. Interview about Henk Sneevliet Radio 1
- 2017. Podcast Radio Kunci

Klaas Stutje takes part in the larger research program called ‘Four Centuries of Labor Camps: War, Rehabilitation, Ethnicity’, which is financed by the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research and carried out by IISH and the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies. (http://www.niod.nl/en/projects/four-centuries-labor-camps-war-rehabilita...).
His particular focus is on the history of forced labour, often conducted by convicts, in the Dutch Indies in the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century. The central question is to what extent labor convicts were used in the colonial economy and the constitution of the colonial state after the formal abolition of slavery.
Previous projects include his PhD-project to the international dimension of Indonesian nationalism in the nineteen twenties, studied through the international engagements of students of the Perhimpoenan Indonesia in Europe. He has also written about Indonesian Islamic networks in Europe, Indonesian communism and about peranakan Chinese identity formation in the European political sphere.
Scholarly publications
Popular publications and projects
Other publications and projects
See also: https://uva.academia.edu/KlaasStutje