Onderzoekt en verzamelt de geschiedenis van werk, werkenden en arbeidsverhoudingen wereldwijd

'At work in Mozambique', photo's by Ernst Schade

The International Institute of Social History (IISH) holds some 80 digital photographs on Mozambique in the years 1985-1997 in its collection which were made by Dutch photographer Ernst Schade. On my initiative, 30 of these photo's have been selected on the theme 'labour' and exhibited on the website of the IISH under the title 'At work in Mozambi'que'. The exposition is divided in three categories: children at work, women at work and men at work. You can see these beautiful photographs on: https://socialhistory.org/en/collections/work-mozambique-photos-ernst-schade. Former southern Africa activist Ernst Schade worked for many years for various NGO's in Southern Africa, where he also started to make and publish photographs. Since 1995 he lives in Lissabon; photography is now his main activity. See also his website: http://www.ernstschade.com/

Local population assist in the re-construction of the railway line between Zimbabwe and the port of Beira at the Indian Ocean.
This railway is vital for the import and export of neighbouring landlocked Zimbabwe.
Afrika, Mozambique, Manica provincie, Chimoio. 11 July 1987