Onderzoekt en verzamelt de geschiedenis van werk, werkenden en arbeidsverhoudingen wereldwijd

Wereldwijd - Tweede Wereldoorlog

  • Wolfgang Abendroth: letters from the Gestapo- und Untersuchungshaft in Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main and Kassel to his family 1937 and from the Zuchthaus Luckau to his family 1937-1941; documents regarding his stay in prison 1937, 1940
  • Friedrich Adler: records of the Auslandsvertretung der Österreichischen Sozialisten (AVOES) and the Austrian Labor Committee (ALC) 1940-1945; documents relating to Austrian socialists in exile and their organizations in the USA and in other countries
  • Allert de Lange Publishing House: the archive of the German 'Exil' Department in Amsterdam during the Hitler regime; some correspondence by and on the fate of Walter Landauer, staff member of Allert de Lange, who died in Bergen-Belsen 1939, 1944-1946
  • Gerhard Bögelein: documents of the Prozessgruppe Kielhorn/Bögelein and of the Projektgruppe für die vergessenen Opfer des NS-Regimes, 1949-1956, 1991-1993
  • Hendrik De Man: documents on his activities during the Nazi occupation of Belgium
  • Freedom Defense Committee: files on cases of British deserters or ex-service men prosecuted for political reasons, 1945-1948
  • Peter Philipp Gingold: files re the 'Verband Deutscher in der Résistance in den Streitkräften der AntiHitlerkoalition und der Bewegung 'Freies Deutschland' 1993-2005; the 'Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes', the Lagergemeinschaft Auschwitz and other Auschwitz committees
  • Freie Presse: complete digital version of this anti-Hitler weekly published in Amsterdam 1933-1934
  • Sania Gontarbert leaflets and copies of Front Ouvrier and Fraternisation Prolétarienne, organ of the revolutionary communists 1942-1944
  • Albert Grzesinski: files re the 'Untersuchungsausschuss zur Aufklärung des Reichstagsbrandes 1933'; printed material concerning the First World War and its aftermath in Germany
  • Carl Herz: files on organizations of Germans in Great Britain and on bills relating to the reconstruction of the German state; manuscripts and articles by Herz, including 'Die politische Neuordnung Deutschlands' [1944] and 'Selbstverwaltung und Polizei' [1945]
  • Willi Huhn: various manuscripts and correspondence about Germany and the second world war as well as the peace movement
  • Kriegsgefangenenlager Bizerte: Documents relating to activities of ex-soldiers from the 999th division at the French POW camp Bizerte in Tunisia; Contemporary documents on the situation of the prisoners, camp newspaper series, educational writings, illuminated albums with theater and broadcast programs, song texts, photos et cetera
  • Karl Kuntze: Diary kept as a member of the 'Strafdivision 999' and as a prisoner of war in various camps in the US,1943-1944; typescript of 'Sie nannten es Verrat. Als Anti-Nazi in amerikanischer Kriegsgefangenenlagern... (reedited c. 1980); periodicals for German war prisoners in the USA 1944-1945
  • Erich Kuttner: correspondence 1905-1943, files on the American Guild for German Cultural Freedom 1938-1939
  • Leo Levy: British flyer found in Belgium 1943; manifests and other documents from the Belgian underground 1943; documents on the attitude of Herman de Man during the occupation of Belgium