Worldwide - Second World War
- Wolfgang Abendroth: documents re the 'Kampagne gegen Atomrüstung' 1964-1971, the International War Crimes Tribunal and the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation 1966-1972
- Harold Bing: (conscientious objector): Correspondence with the government, his family, prison diaries and reports 1916-1919; correspondence with the War Resisters International secretariat 1928-1954; other WRI documents; articles by Bing on pacifism, conscientious objection and other subjects
- Kees Boeke/Beatrice Boeke-Cadbury: materials on the international esperantist peace movement Paco and Quakers, 1921-1972
- Charles William Daniel Publishing Company (participated in anti-war propaganda in the First World War; condemned and imprisoned for the publication of pacifist pamphlets): the archive, 1906-1992
- Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft - Vereinigte Kriegsdienstgegner: Leaflets, circulars and other printed material 1991-1992
- Doves of Peace
- European Bureau for Conscientious Objection: the archive, 1979-2005
- Paul Froelich (prominent in the anti-war-opposition during World War): his political memories (1938)
- Robert Grimm: minutes and drafts of minutes of the Zimmerwald Conference and the preparatory session 1915; handwritten minutes of the February and May session of the comprehensive committee 1916; minutes of the Kienthal Conference; see also
- Paul Hertz: files re Sozialistische Arbeiter-Internationale, Einheitsfront – Volksfront; Council for a Democratic Germany in New York (1944-1945, the future of Germany
- International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace: the archive, 1963-1978
- International Fellowship of Reconciliation: collection, 1925-1981
- International Liaison Committee of Organisations for Peace: collection of circulars and printed documents 1947-1963
- International Peace Bureau: collection, 1902-1980
- International Working Men's Association: leaflets Against War of the I.W.M.A. and the International Anti-Militarist Bureau 1931-1936
- Gustav Landauer: correspondence of members of the Forte Kreis including Martin Buber, Romain Rolland, 1914-1915, 1917; file on the Bund Neues Vaterland 1915-1918
- Librarians within the Peace Movement: the archive, 1989-1993
- Martyn Lowe (pacifist activist): the archive, 1966-2008
- Roger Moody (British peace activist): correspondence 1968-1979; documents concerning the Australian peace movement
- National Committee of 100: London branche: the archive, 1960-1967
- No More War Movement: minute book of the New Britain Group and the Southend-on-Sea branch 1934-1937
- Sylvia Pankhurst: files on social activities in the First World War, including the East London Toy Factory and on antimilitarism
- Devi Prasad: Correspondence and documents concerning his activities in various peace organizations including the War Resisters' International India 1985-1990 and peace campaigns in India, the World Peace Brigade for Non-Violent Action 1961-1964, the Committee for International Nonviolence 1973-1980 and the Peace Brigades International 1982-1993
- Pierre Ramus: correspondence with the War Resisters International 1923-1933
- Rassemblement Universel pour la Paix: archive of the secretary, 1935-1949
- Dora Russell: the archive, including documents re the Women's Caravan of Peace 1957-1961, 1980-1986, the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) 1956-1985
- Stockholm Peace Conference 1917: collection of digitized documents
- Nicolas Walter: (founding member of the Committee of 100): the archive, 1954-200
- War Resisters International: the archive, 1921-2005
- World Council of Peace: part of the archive, 1948-1981
- Zimmerwalder Bewegung: microfilm copy of the archives re Zimmerwald at the Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv and Arbetarrörelsen Arkiv, 1914-1917