Worldwide - First World War
- Rudolf Breitscheid: documents of the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry into the German foreign policy and the different peace efforts during the First World War; file on the execution of the Treaty of Versailles 1920-1921, the German reparations 1921-1923
- Deutsche Sozialistische Republik, Zentralrat: minutes of the meetings 1919-1920; files on workers and soldiers councils in Germany, on prisoners of war, the military, food rationing et cetera 1918-1920
- Anatolij Djubua: manuscripts of his memoirs with regard to the First World War
- Louis Grondijs: (embedded journalist in the Russian army during the First World War): photo albums and correspondence on the French military mission in Russia; see also: Embedded in the Russian Army, 1915
- Albert Grzesinski: files concerning the First World War and its aftermath in Germany
- Jules Guesde: documents of the 'Comité pour aider à la reconstitution des régions envahies ou atteintes par les faits de guerre', 1916
- Wolfgang Heine: files on the constitutional responsibility of the Reichskanzler, the conference in Berne on post war international relations 1917, the revolutionary insurrections in Germany 1919, the Kapp-Putsch 1920
- Erich Kuttner: files on war invalids, war veterans and the Reichsbund der Kriegsbeschädigten, Kriegsteilnehmer und Kriegshinterbliebenen 1917-1933
- Gustav Landauer: files re the Munich Revolution 1918-1919, the Verein 'Zentralstelle Völkerrecht' and the 'Bund Neues Vaterland' 1915-1918
- Otto Landsberg: files on the First World War, the revolution in Germany in 1918 and the political events in the period 1918-1924; many bulletins and newspapers
- Leonid Petrovič Men'ščikov: 'Comité de Secours aux Volontaires Russes en France', records 1914-1917 and c. 2000 letters from Russian soldiers to this Committee
- Charles Rappoport: 'Déclaration devant le Conseil de Guerre de Paris le 3 juin 1918'
- Refugees in Holland during the First World War (Belgian, British, German, Russian)
- Roman Rosdolsky: documents re the Peace of Brest Litovsk 1917; account of the Ukrainian socialist Left during the First World War (1951)
- Rudolf Rocker: documents regarding his internment in England and letters from prison 1914-1918
- Hans Stein: files on his military service 1914-1917
- Stockholm Peace Conference 1917: digital version of all documents relating to the Peace Conference
- Zimmerwald Movement: collection re this group of anti-war internationalist socialists 1915-1917 (microfilm)