Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Collection projects

  • The IISH holds the complete arvchive of the Dutch Diamond Workers Union Algemene Nederlandse Diamantbewerkersbond (ANDB).The union, founded in 1894, was a role model for the development of the trade union movement throughout the twentieth century: the organizational structures of today’s unions...
  • Evergreen is an open source Integrated Library System (ILS) which is used by hundreds of libraries, particularly in North America.The IISH is the only institution in Western Europe which has implemented Evergreen. Thinking about and implementing Evergreen has been a long process, which was...
  • L’Afrique est aussi, contrairement à certaines mythologies,  un continent de l’écrit. Il y existe pour les périodes modernes et contemporaines de très nombreux fonds d’archives constitués, ou non. Les syndicats et partis, les entreprises, les militants, toujours actifs ou retraités ont leurs...
  • IISH will make its digital collections available in the framework of the EU project: Heritage of the People's Europe (HOPE). The HOPE project brings together a partnership of eleven European social history instutions with the aim to improve access to their highly significant but scattered (digital...
  • Het Historisch Beeldarchief Migranten (HBM) richt zich op het aanleggen van een representatieve beeldcollectie van de geschiedenis van migranten in Nederland. Het is ondergebracht bij het Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis (IISG) in Amsterdam. In het beeldarchief worden foto's...
  • The acronym HiTiME stands for Historical Timeline Mining and Extraction. HiTiME aims at the development of a text analysis system for the recognition and extraction of historical events and facts from a variety of primary and secondary historical sources, such as biographies, brochures, letters and...
  • Labour history in Eritrea is an important aspect of the history of the country. This is demonstrated by the fact that, in the 1940s, the country has experienced the first labour syndicates and actions in the African continent. However, apart from efforts made by the NCEW and few others it has...
  • The Memory project aims to capture the knowledge about the IISH collections, starting with the knowledge of staff members who will leave the institute in the years to come. It's about knowledge which is not or will not be recorded in the existing library or archive systems.Articles written by...
  • During the Second World War archives of real and imagined enemies of nazism were stolen by the Germans occupiers of the Netherlands. After the German capitulation in 1945, special Red Army units found them in the then Soviet zone of Europe. For administrative reasons within Soviet intelligence...
  • Het IISG rondleidingen geeft regelmatig rondleidingen voor studenten van verschillende universiteiten en onderwijsinstellingen. Dit leidt vaak tot mooie werkstukken en bronanalyses. Onlangs ging een groep tweedejaars studenten Geschiedenis aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, onder leiding van docent...
