Onderzoekt en verzamelt de geschiedenis van werk, werkenden en arbeidsverhoudingen wereldwijd

Call for Papers for International Conference on Labour History

The Association of Indian Labour Historians (AILH) invites proposals for its Tenth International Conference on Labour History in March 2014. The theme for the conference is Labour History: A Return to Politics?

Why is a consideration of a political turn important today? Since the end of the 1970s there have been massive changes in the structure and form of labour. These changes were marked by the marginalization of organized industry, a shift of manufacturing industries from the West to the East; expansions in the service sector, especially in the information industry. As informalisation spread across the globe precarious employment outstripped stable standard jobs. Trajectories of working lives and careers were drastically altered. Work shifted to the home, blurring the distinction between private and working space. New forms of feminization emerged across the globe affecting the developed and developing world alike. More about the background

The AILH invites papers from scholars, activists, and individuals who have engaged intimately with the world of labour and work to participate in this conference. International and comparative experiences will be especially welcome. While the conference organizers will be able to host all the selected participants for the duration of the conference we are unable to finance international travel costs.  
Submission of papers:  A short abstract of no more than 500 words of the proposed paper indicating the main arguments and theoretical and empirical basis of the proposed paper.

  • Abstracts have to be sent by 15 November 2013.
  • Selected participants will be informed by 15 December 2013.
  • Full Papers are expected without fail by 20 February 2014.

All communications must be addressed to Chitra Joshi, Rana Behal, Prabhu Mohapatra  and Sasikumar at the address: ailhconference2014@gmail.com

26 september 2013