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Next 5 Minutes

Video and Documentation Collection

This is a guide to the collection of videotapes and related material collected at the Next 5 Minutes (N5M) conferences on tactical media 1 (Amsterdam 1993), 2 (Amsterdam 1996), and 3 (Amsterdam 1999), and kept at the IISH.

Next 5 Minutes is a festival that brings together media, art and politics. It revolves around the notion of tactical media, the fusion of art, politics and media. The festival is organised irregularly, when the urgency is felt to bring a new edition of the festival together.

The collection consists of material shown at the Next 5 Minutes conferences, productions by people and groups present at the conferences, tapes sent to the organization by independent video groups and activists, and related material, mainly documentation on the tapes and their makers. The tapes can be consulted at the IISH by appointment. Access to the tapes is free and unlimited, permission is needed for use and/or duplication of material.

The collection descriptions can be consulted on-line:

For more information on the collection, contact Huub Sanders. 
Last modified: April 8, 1999.