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Modern South Asia Seminar Series

16 februari 2012
Lipsius Building, Leiden

Lecture "Beyond Partition Logic? The Bangladesh Kaleidoscope" by Prof. Willem van Schendel.
This is the fourth lecture in the Modern South Asia Seminar Series organized by Leiden Institute of Area Studies, the International Institute for Asian Studies, and the Asian Modernities and Traditions Research Profile of Leiden University.

Prof. Van Schendel will examine narratives of decolonization, phases of nationalism, shifting cultural orientations, elite formation and state institutions to illustrate how Bangladesh has produced a society with a distinctive 'post-Partition' spirit and a critical attitude towards both India and Pakistan. Identifying Bangladesh as a useful vantage point from where to launch comparisons embracing other societies of South Asia, this talk explores the intricacies of identity processes.

17.00 - 18.00 hrs
Lipsius Building (Faculty of Humanities) Room 148
Cleveringaplaats 1
2311 BD Leiden

Free entrance, Reception afterwards