Onderzoekt en verzamelt de geschiedenis van werk, werkenden en arbeidsverhoudingen wereldwijd


The International Social History Association (ISHA) was founded at the 20th International Congress of the Historical Sciences, held in Sydney, July 3-9, 2005. ISHA’s aims are:

● to maintain and develop personal contacts between scholars of all countries interested in social history in its broadest sense;
● to periodically organize academic meetings (including international conferences) on social history;
● to encourage all forms of research and publications relevant to the development and diffusion of social history.

ISHA is an affiliated organization of the International Committee of Historical Sciences and of the International Economic History Organization. These affiliations facilitate the organization of panels and workshops at international conferences.
ISHA publishes an irregular Newsletter with information on new developments in social history, interviews and essays.
For the published newsletters, see pdf's below.

ISHA’s Executive for the period 2015-20 consists of Marcel van der Linden (President; mvl@iisg.nl) and Christian De Vito (Treasurer, christian.devito@gmail.com).

Membership of the Association is open to all individuals and to all scholarly organizations devoted to social history in either general terms or in one of its major specifications. Admission to membership of the Association is decided by the General Assembly. Membership fees are €300 per year for organizations and €30 per year for individuals. Payments are possible on the following account:

P.O. Box 2169
1000 CD Amsterdam
The Netherlands    
IBAN NL14ABNA0570664985