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News Archive

Kristoffel Lieten hield op 21 november 2003 zijn oratie als bijzonder hoogleraar 'Kinderarbeid, in...
Posted: 28 november 2003
Jan Luiten van Zanden is een van de winnaars van de NWO/Spinoza-premie 2003. De Nederlandse...
Posted: 25 augustus 2003
On 11 April 2002, 62 years after units of the German occupation army in the Netherlands seized the...
Posted: 6 februari 2003
Ms Lija I. L'vova, Director of the Gosudarstvennaia Obshchestvenno-Politicheskaia Biblioteka (GOPB...
Posted: 28 januari 2003
Shahriar Kabir, the IISH representative in Bangladesh who was one of around 40 opposition activists...
Posted: 12 januari 2003
During the 2002 National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic...
Posted: 25 november 2002
On Wednesday 30 January 2002, a long awaited ceremony took place on the premises of the Algemeen...
Posted: 30 januari 2002
The detention of Shahriar Kabir, the IISH representative in Bangladesh, was declared "illegal" by...
Posted: 1 januari 2002
On Friday, May 18, 2001, the Web server of the International Institute of Social History received...
Posted: 25 mei 2001
The GULAG Press, containing "news" bulletins, posters, literary journals, albums and booklets, has...
Posted: 5 januari 2001


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