Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


Studiedag Diversiteit en Migratie - CGM Gent
Kunnen historici en sociologen iets bijdragen aan de wijze waarop onze samenleving omgaat met de vluchtelingencrisis en de...
cfp: Global Labor Migration: Past and Present
Call for papers, deadline 1 July 20182019 Global Summit on Labor MigrationGlobal Labor Migration: Past and PresentJune 20-22,...
Popup Cinema QRU: 'Moslimmigranten in Moskou'
Dinsdag 26 september organiseren QRU en het Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis (IISG) een Russische filmavond...
KNAW kent IISG en NIDI € 500.000 toe voor migratieonderzoek
Het Onderzoeksfonds van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW) kent het IISG en het Nederlands...
Spui25: Voorbij Fort Europa. Boekpresentatie en reflexie
20:00 - 21:30 uurAvond met: migratie-experts Henk van Houtum, Leo Lucassen en Thomas Spijkerboer en Denker des Vaderlands Marli...
"Voorbij Fort Europa, een nieuwe visie op migratie"
Onderzoeksdirecteur IISG Leo Lucassen en Henk van Houtum presenteren in "Voorbij Fort Europa, een nieuwe visie op migratie" een...
Highly Skilled German Migrants in Turkey
In Hitler’s Germany, scholars lost their jobs because they were Jewish or otherwise undesired.Turkey, on the other hand, was...
Leo Lucassen adjunct professor Aalborg University, Denmark
Leo Lucassen (Director Research IISH) was appointed adjunct professor at Aalborg University, Denmark. In Denmark, the title of...
Comenius lecture by Leo Lucassen
In the Dutch newspaper Trouw, dated April 9, appeared a summary of the annual Comenius Lecture, held by Leo Lucassen on April 2nd...
Comeniuslezing door Leo Lucassen
De Comeniuslezing wordt dit jaar verzorgd door Leo Lucassen, directeur Onderzoek van het Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale...
Colleges over Migratie voor Universiteit van Nederland
Leo Lucassen, directeur onderzoek van het IISG, gaf dit jaar vijf hoorcolleges voor de Universiteit van Nederland.Deze behoorden...
Chung Hwa Hui, Chinese Students in the Netherlands
In spring 2015 the IISH received the minutes book of the board of Chung Hwa Hui, an association of Chinese students from the...
Symposium: De wetenschap over de vluchtelingencrisis
14:00- 17.30 uurHet debat over de opvang van vluchtelingen trekt diepe groeven door de Nederlandse samenleving. In vergelijking...
Studiedag: De onvermoede effecten van tijdelijke migratie
Op vrijdag 30 oktober organiseert het Vlaams-Nederlandse onderzoeksnetwerk Centrum voor de Geschiedenis van Migranten (CGM) een...
IALHI Conference
From 16 - 19 September the International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI) organizes its 46th Annual Conference....
Alle grenzen zijn open, wat nu?
Directeur onderzoek van het IISG Leo Lucassen sprak vorige week met Alejandro Tauber van Motherboard over arbeidsmigratie en...
Vietnamese Czechs
Diplomatic relations between communist Czechoslovakia and Vietnam officially started on 2 February 1950. A number of Vietnamese...
Towards a Global History of Domestic and Caregiving Workers
Domestic and caregiving work has been at the core of human existence throughout history. Poorly paid or even unpaid, this work...
4th Edition Book Leo and Jan Lucassen
The ongoing debate on the allegedly failed integration of Muslim immigrants in the Netherlands is brought back into focus with...
Questionable Bathhouse Attendants
Following a revolt of Albanians in 1730,  the Ottoman administration was very concerned about the great number of Albanians who...
Memories of Belonging
Memories of Belonging is a three-generation oral-history study of the offspring of southern Italians who migrated to Worcester,...
Italian Chimney Sweeps
In the nineteenth century chimney sweeps formed the largest group of Italian migrants in the Netherlands. They came from Piemonte...
Selective Immigration
The Emergency Quota Law of 19 May 1921 was designed to limit the immigration of aliens into the United States. Based on data from...
Congres: De toekomst van Migrantenorganisaties
Met: Simone Kukenheim, Leo Lucassen en Nadia MoussaidHet Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis en de HITB (Turkse...
Integratie is wel én niet geslaagd. Opiniestuk Leo Lucassen in Trouw
Het NRC-artikel van Paul Scheffer uit januari 2000 (‘Het Multiculturele drama’) leidt een hardnekkig bestaan. Hoewel de auteur al...
Greek Entrepreneurship
Cleomene Aridjis migrated from Greece to the Netherlands in the 1920's and found work in a cigarette factory in Bilthoven. But...
French Armenia
On 26 December 2008, the president of Armenia signed a decree that granted citizenship of the Republic of Armenia to the famous...
Hungarian Tinsmiths
A group of Hungarian tinsmiths entered the Netherlands in March 1868. The itinerant traders living in tents or caravans had...
Italian Terrazzo Workers
The terrazzo worker specializes in the construction of tile floors. Small pieces of granite, limestone or marble are mixed with...
Evil May Day
John Lincoln was imprisoned in the Tower of London on this day for being a leader of the Evil May Day Riots. Evil May Day was an...
Strong anti-foreigner sentiment emerged during the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920) with its notion of national pride, 'Mexicanidad...
Crimean Tatars
Hardships in the Crimea did not end with the official termination of the  Crimean War on 30 March 1856. Throughout the peninsula...
Black Girls
In today’s Europe, migrant domestic workers are indispensable in supporting many households which, without their employment,...
Three hundred African immigrants, originating mainly from Mali and Senegal,  occupied the Saint-Ambroise church in the 11th...
Au Pair of the Year
The Au Pair of the Year 2012 award was given to Birte Klusmann, a German native hosted by an American family in Budapest on 14...
Cross-cultural migration in Western Europe 1901-2000
In 2010 Jan Lucassen and Leo Lucassen published the IISH Research Paper The mobility transition in Europe revisited, 1500-1900....
Meeting Point
Female migrant workers from the Philippines and Indonesia staged a flash mob demonstration in Taipei Railway Station, Taiwan,...
Flor Contemplacion
In SIngapore, the Filipino domestic worker Flor Contemplacion, aged 42,  was hanged for murdering her fellow maid and the little...
From China to Israel
China and Israel officially established political relations on 24 January 1992. The first contract on labour export from China to...
International Workshop ‘Travelling Policies’
On the 13th of June, the Dutch-Flemish academic network Centre for the History of Migrants (CGM) in cooperation with Museum aan...
Expelling Immigrants from Brazil
According to the Law 'Adolpho Gordo' issued on 7 January 1907, all foreigners living in Brazil involved in crimes like homicide,...
Mecca for Javanese
In the 19th century, substantial outmigration from Java was connected to the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. Indonesia was the country...
Globalising Migration History
Globalising Migration History is a major step forward in comparative global migration history. Looking at the period 1500-2000 it...
Globalising Migration History
'Globalising Migration History: the Eurasian experience (16th-21st centuries)' edited by IISH Research Fellow Jan Lucassen and...
Anarchist Cigar Makers
The immigrant-populated cigar manufacturing town of Ybor City, Tampa, Florida was founded in the 1880s. Circular migration...
Puerto Ricans in Two Worlds
For several years now the IISH has had a small collection on the Puerto Rican National Movement, which deals with Puerto Rico and...
Gentlemen's Agreement
Almost a thousand Japanese immigrant workers arrived monthly in California in the early 1900's.  Tension grew over the Japanese...
Mass Emigration from China
The steamship Great Republic was launched on 8 November 1866. The first passenger liner between San Francisco and Hong Kong could...
Sikh Immigrants Denied Entry
On 23 May 1914 the steamship Komagata Maru arrived in Vancouver, Canada, with 376 Indian Sikhs on board. They claimed right of...
Migration, Settlement, and Belonging in Europe, 1500-1930s
This volume offers a pan-European survey of migration and settlement issues that encompasses Switzerland, Prussia, Belgium, the...
Polish Craftsmen Strike in America
Polish craftsmen were hired by the British Virginia Company to settle in Jamestown, Virginia Colony (founded 1607) and...
Christmas Transport
Katatura is a township of Windhoek, Namibia. It literally means 'a place where people don't want to live'. Migrant workers living...
Chinese-Canadian Day of Shame
Thousands of young men from China arrived in the 1880s to work on the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway. The Government of...
6.5 Million Japanese Repatriates
At the end of World War II, 6.5 million  Japanese were scattered throughout the islands in the Western Pacific and on the Asiatic...
Jamaican Immigrants
On 22 June 1947, the SS Empire Windrush docked at Tilbury, UK, with some 500 adventurist Jamaican immigrants on board. Most of...
Senegalese fight in Verdun
During the First World War, there were roughly 480.000 soldiers and 225.000 workers in France from the colonies, including 134....
Via Rotterdam to Pennsylvania
Rotterdam in the 17th and 18th centuries was a principal port of departure for transmigrants to America. Typically they came from...
Symposium Migration and Membership Regimes in Global and Historical Perspective
Symposium on Friday 11 october 2013, 15:00 – 17:00, at Leiden University, Lipsius Building, Cleveringaplaats 1, room 1.48.The...
Ideals and Hardships in Siberia
In the 1920s the Dutch architect Han van Loghem and his wife Berthe Neumeijer traveled  to the Soviet Union, where they settled...
Chinese Coolies shot
Two Chinese contract labourers on the run in Sumatra, Dutch East Indies,  were shot dead by 'caretakers' on 14 October 1902,...
Migration and Membership Regimes
In Migration and Membership Regimes editors Ulbe Bosma, Gijs Kessler and Leo Lucassen bring together ten essays in an analytical...
Migrant Workers
Friedrich Schweppe (born 1839, died 27 October 1927),  a German migrant worker, was a highly estimated fireman-gang leader in the...
Forced Migration
On this day, Si Saadi ben Allel from Kabylia, Algeria, arrived in New Caledonia with 32 compatriots. They were deported with the...
Proletarian and Gendered Mass Migrations
Proletarian and Gendered Mass Migrations connects the 19th- and 20th-century labor migrations and migration systems in global...
Russians sail to Canada
Doukhobors – literally 'spirit wrestlers' - belonged to a Russian religious sect that was severely persecuted by the church and...
A "Hand" Drawing for Daddy
Since the sixties many Turkish workers migrated to the Netherlands to become industrial workers. The so called 'guest' workers...
Surinamese Nurses
At the end of the fifties many women from the Dutch colony of Surinam left for the Netherlands to receive nurse's training. In...
Postcolonial Migrants and Identity Politics
These transfers of sovereignty resulted in extensive, unforeseen movements of citizens and subjects to their former countries....
Deportation to New Caledonia
After the defeat of the legendary Paris Commune (in May, 1871), a few thousand insurgents were deported to the other end of the...
Exile and Global Labour History
From 23 until 25 March, thirty prominent researchers from all over the world met at the IISH to discuss the theme Exile Studies...
Migration History
Migration history is both a prominent part of Global Labour History as well as crucial element of Global Economic History. The...
Dutch Expats in the Ukraine
In the beginning of the 20th century, Dutch expats worked and lived in Stoupky (now Artemovsk), Ukraine, near the Peter the Great...
Nomadic Peoples in Europe
A rich documentation on the Roma, caravan dwellers, and other nomadic groups in Europe is included in the collection given by Mrs...
Migration and mobility in a global historical perspective
The third conference of the Global Migration History Programme was dedicated to the process of migration itself, concentrating on...
Winnaars en verliezers. Een nuchtere balans van vijfhonderd jaar immigratie
Sinds de jaren negentig zijn migratie en integratie niet meer weg te denken uit het publieke debat. De politieke polarisatie...
Tentoonstellingen HBM
Virtuele tentoonstellingen uit de collecties van het Historisch Beeldarchief Migranten.Chinatown Den HaagSelectie foto's uit de...
Turkish migrants in the Netherlands
On 19 August  1964 Turkey and the Netherlands signed a formal treaty. From then on Dutch companies could recruit temporary...
Migration in Africa and the Middle East
Conference 'Migrations and societies in Africa and the Middle East: a long term perspective', the 4th Global Migration History...
Migranten in the Picture
Lezingen in Spui25, georganiseerd in samenwerking met IISG, Persmuseum en Toegang tot de activiteiten van...
Migranten organisaties in Nederland
Door de tijd heen hebben migranten in Nederland duizenden organisaties opgericht om hun belangen te verdedigen, hun religieuze...
Slovenian and Yugoslav miners in the Netherlands
The IISH has been hosting the Historical Image Archive on Migrants on its website for several years. Sometimes this project yield...
Migration History Collection Guide
The history of migrants and their organizations and the history of labor migration have recently become a major research theme at...
Historisch Beeldarchief Migranten
Het Historisch Beeldarchief Migranten (HBM) richt zich op het aanleggen van een representatieve beeldcollectie van de...
Afscheid van Suriname in 's Lands Hospitaal
Afscheidsfoto gemaakt in 's Lands Hospitaal (Paramaribo) in februari 1957 van de eerste door het psychiatrisch ziekenhuis...
Migrant Workers from Lippe
In the 18th and 19 centuries, thousands of Lippian brick makers came from Germany to the Netherlands to find temporary work. Each...
Making Money Off Migrants
Making Money Off Migrants is a case study of the plight of the migrant worker. While it focuses on the experience of Indonesian...
Labour Migration in Asia
Labour Migration in Asia(Papers based on the Manila workshop, 23-25 October 1997)Jan Breman - Suggestions for a Research...
Lippische Ziegler
Im 19. Jahrhundert verließen bis zu 40% aller männlichen Erwerbstätigen in jedem Frühjahr das Fürstentum Lippe. Bis zum Herbst...
Afghan Migrant Labourers in Iran
Since the late 1960s, the flourishing economy of Iran had been attracting many Afghan labourers. Following the political...
Database nieuwkomers in de Utrechtse volkstelling van 1829 en 1839
De volkstellingen van 1829 en 1839Bij Koninklijk Besluit van 29 september 1828 werd bevolen tot een algemene volkstelling in het...
Illegal but Licit
Transnational Flows and Permissive Polities in Asia.Willem van Schendel (Asia Department, IISH & University of Amsterdam) has...
Vijf eeuwen migratie
Lancering website98% van de Nederlanders heeft buitenlandse voorouders. In elke Nederlandse familiegeschiedenis zijn wel sporen...
Met de buik het brood achterna
Tentoonstelling en boekpresentatie "Met de buik het brood achterna" is een expositie, door auteur Milena Mulders samengesteld uit...
Lied uit den Vreemde - Gurbet türküsü
Op 23 december 2004 werd het boek Lied uit den Vreemde - Gurbet türküsü. Brieven en foto's van Turkse migranten 1964-1975...
Postcolonial Immigration and Identity Formation in Europe since 1945
In 2005, KITLV, IISH and a third institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) initiated the research...
Global Migration History Programme
To fully understand the causes and effects of migration and settlement processes in the current globalising world, a long...
Migration and Social Relations
Migration and Social Relations: an Annotated Bibliography on Temporary Migration for Rural Manual Work
Transnational Domestication.
Transnational Domestication. State Power and Indonesian Migrant Women in Saudi Arabia.
"Birds of Passage"
"Birds of Passage"; Migration of South Indian Labour Communities to South-East Asia; 19-20th Centuries, A.D.
Across the North Sea
Daily life in the early modern North Sea region was largely subject to international forces. International developments like wars...
Immigranten in Nederland in de eerste helft van de 19e eeuw
Immigrants in the Netherlands in the first half of the 19th century.
Migration History in World History
Migration is the talk of the town. On the whole, however, the current situation is seen as resulting from unique political...
Chains of Gold
Why did migrants from southern Portugal choose Argentina instead of following the traditional path to Brazil? Starting with this...
Trade Unions, Immigration and Immigrants in Europe 1960-1993
European trade unions are among the most influential and powerful institutions within Western economies, in many cases...
Migration, Migration History, History
During the last decade studies have indicated that migration has been a normal, structural element of human societies throughout...
Connecting Seas and Connected Ocean Rims
Long-distance migration of peoples have been a central if little understood factor in global integration. The essays in this...
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