Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


The Rosa Luxemburg & Karl Liebknecht papers
Rosa Luxemburg & Karl Liebknecht - commemorating 100 yearsToday marks the passing of 100 years since the murders of Rosa...
Onderzoek naar antisemitisme en immigratie in 5 landen
Vanmiddag werden in Londen de uitkomsten gepresenteerd van een Europees onderzoek naar antisemitisme en immigratie. Naast...
Karl Liebknecht's Death Mask now at the IISH
A great-niece of Karl Liebknecht presented the Institute with a very special gift: Liebknecht’s death mask. Karl Liebknecht and...
Trotz Alledem!
One day before his violent death, Karl Liebknecht, council communist and one of the leaders of the Spartacus uprising in Berlin,...
Highly Skilled German Migrants in Turkey
In Hitler’s Germany, scholars lost their jobs because they were Jewish or otherwise undesired.Turkey, on the other hand, was...
Heimatlos, Haymatloz, Uprooted
On this day, classes began at Istanbul University. The teaching staff was predominantly German now. In Hitler’s Germany, scholars...
Johannes Agnoli Opposed to Parliamentary Democracy
Johannes Agnoli (1925-2003), born Giovanni Agnoli in Valle di Cadore, about 100 km north of Venice, was a person of extremes....
Symposium Paul Hertz
Paul Hertz war sozialdemokratischer Politiker; von 1919 bis 1926 war er Stadtverordneter des Berliner Stadtteils Charlottenburg...
Drama in Archives
Archives are rarely dull; all that is needed is enough perception to see the drama of the whole human condition, the romance even...
Revolt of the Guilds in Frankfurt
Vinzenz Fettmilch, a pastrycook and burgher from Frankfurt am Main, was disgruntled as he had been denied a municipal office. In...
The Kautsky Family in Wartime
The Institute holds several records that relate to the Kautsky family. First, the papers of  Karl Kautsky (1854-1938), writer and...
Arson in the Countryside
Farmhands were involved in the majority of arson cases in the countryside. A common reason for committing arson on the property...
We Are the People
A  weekly 'Monday demonstration' was held on 2 October 1989 in Leipzig,  German Democratic Republic, with up to 20,000...
German Deserters
In 1917, 3,000 German deserters in Holland were officially registered. But this number should be multipled, as many Germans...
The Weavers
In early June 1844, hundreds of cottage workers, armed with clubs and fence posts, stormed the homes and business of their...
Paul Frölich - Autobiography
By the summer of 1935, the virgin IISH asked prominent socialists to write their political memoirs. Paul Frölich, who co-founded...
Alienating Labour
The Communist Party Dictatorships in Hungary and East Germany sought to win over the 'masses' with promises of providing for ever...
Work Deployment
Many of the '28.1 million workers and employees' in Hitler Germany recorded as of 1 June 1943 were civilian foreign labourers and...
Rosa Luxemburg as stickler
Eight letters from Rosa Luxemburg have recently emerged from an addition to the archive of Sozialistische Monatshefte, sent to...
Migrant Workers
Friedrich Schweppe (born 1839, died 27 October 1927),  a German migrant worker, was a highly estimated fireman-gang leader in the...
Recruiting for the Rote Armee Fraktion
In December 2012 the IISH received the papers of Mirjam Glaser (Kaiserlautern, 1958) from Frankfurt am Main. In the politicized...
Sozialistische Monatshefte
During the Second World War the archive of Sozialistische Monatshefte, in the possession of the IISH since 1939, was seized by...
Electricity without atomic energy
Despite the call from the powerful German anti-nuclear movement to protest against the construction of the nuclear power plant...
The execution of Carl Ludwig Sand
In March 1819 the popular German writer August von Kotzebue was executed in Mannheim as a “traitor to the fatherland” by a...
Wolfgang Abendroth
In the beginning of 2012 the IISH received an important supplement to the papers of Wolfgang Abendroth. For many years Abendroth...
Free Trips in Berlin
1933, March 7, member of Parliament Paul Hertz was provided with a public transport pass for Berlin and surroundings. He did not...
Erich Kuttner
On May 27, 1887, Erich Kuttner was born in Berlin-Schöneberg. As a social-democrat he advocated the interests of those who had...
Night Of Death in Stammheim
In 1977 the members of the Rote Armee Fraktion (RAF, Red Army Faction) are detained in the Stammheim Prison, and face a life...
Bavarian Free State
In the aftermath of the First World War there was an insurrection in Munich headed by the leader of the Bavarian Unabhängige...
The Reichstag Burns
In February 1933, shortly after Hitler came to power, the unemployed Dutch council communist Rinus van der Lubbe went to Berlin...
Nudists Demand Skiing Huts
Lachendes Leben (Laughing Life) is the monthly of German naturists in 1925. Not a single dressed person is to be found in the...
Following the great burning of books in Hitler's Germany on May 10, 1933, some authors were able to rise from the ashes thanks to...
Rudi Dutschke Shot
On April 11, at 5.23 p.m., on the the Kurfürstendamm in Berlin, the unskilled painter Josef Erwinn Bachmann fired three shots...
Deported to Holland
Rudolf Rocker, born in 1873 in Mainz of Catholic parents, became an anarchist and settled in London at the end of the nineteenth...
Only 16,4% of the East-Germans Vote for the SED
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, citizens of the German Democratic Republic were also able to vote for West German parties. At...
Second Best in a Duel
Sturm und Drang marked the life of Ferdinand Lassalle. Born in 1825 in Eastern Prussia as Ferdinand Lasal, he changed his name to...
Street of June 17th
Since July 1953 the Charlottenburger Allee in West Berlin has been called Strasse des 17. Juni (Street of 17 June). That was the...
Rosa Luxemburg Botanizing
Rosa Luxemburg, imprisoned in the Breslau penitentiary, was able to continue working on her herbarium. Her secretary Mathilde...
European Referendum
In January 1935 the German Nazis generated an avalanche of propaganda in the Saarland. Since the Versailles Peace Treaty (1919)...
Travelling with Captain Cook
Captain Cook's third and last expedition starts on 12 July 1776 with the departure of the 'Resolution' from Plymouth. The German...
Nudism Harms Our Workers
In Germany nude swimming used to be tolerated in certain reserved areas, but in the socialist DDR it was officially prohibited in...
Cheerless Childhood
In 1859 the German Kaiser Wilhelm II was delivered by forceps. As a result, his left arm was twisted. His tutors tried to remedy...
Terrorist Attack on Bismarck
The German chancellor Bismarck was only slightly wounded in an attempt to murder him in Bad Kissingen on 13 July 1874. The...
March of the Sledge Hammers
Following the National-Socialist SA, German social-democrats established a paramilitary organization: 'Reichsbanner Schwarz Rot...
The First Polish Prisoners
After the beginning of the 'Blitzkrieg' in Poland the German army achieved quick results. With tanks and airplanes the Polish...
American Army General Sprayed with Blood
During an official reception of the Hessian Parliament in Wiesbaden, 3 August 1983, the American general Paul Williams was...
For My Darling Little Mama
The London photographer John Mayall made this portrait of Karl Marx in 1875. Since then, hundreds of thousands of copies have...
Border Control in Berlin
Neues Deutschland, the newspaper of the East German communist party, is full of official announcements on 13 August 1961. It has...
General Strike in Berlin
Protesting against the decision by the German government to accept the peace treaty of Versailles, a group of soldiers under...
Ukrainians in Berlin
In the 1920s a large group of Ukrainians lived in Berlin. From 1929 onwards the Ukrainska Gazeta, or Ukrainische Zeitung appeared...
The Right to Vote Is an Obligation
German women were allowed to vote for the first time on 19 January 1919. The Weimar Republic established this in the electoral...
The Rheinische Zeitung and Karl Marx
The first political piece that Karl Marx (age 24) wrote after his dissertation was a polemic against censorship in the spring of...
Freie Presse: a weekly against Hitler
On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, commemorated on 3 May every year, the IISH wishes to call attention to Freie Presse,...
Extreme Right in Germany
In 2000 the Institute received a major portion of Bernd Ewald Althans' papers, as well as his comprehensive collection of books,...
Writers in Exile
The archive of publishing house Allert de Lange traversed the world, just as did the German language writers-in-exile who shaped...
Eduard Bernsteins Briefwechsel mit Karl Kautsky (1891-1895)
Die Korrespondenz zwischen Eduard Bernstein und Karl Kautsky, den "Meisterschülern" von Marx und Engels, ist einer der...
Kurt Steinhaus
After having completed his military service with the rank of lieutenant, Kurt Steinhaus (1938 Stettin-1991 Heidelberg) studied...
A Sudeten-German Euro-communist
From Berlin the IISH received a typescript of more than 200 pages by Leopold Grünwald. Grünwald, born in 1901, was a Sudeten...
Hazel Elfriede Rosenstrauch
In January 2010, the IISH received a small but interesting archive from Hazel Elfriede Rosenstrauch. Rosenstrauch (born in London...
Gendered Money
As economic citizenship was a pre-condition of full citizenship, the lack of economic autonomy was an important motivation during...
Frank Schwalba-Hoth "Blutaktion"
Am 3. August 1983 kam es während eines Empfangs im Hessischen Landtag in Wiesbaden für die Kommandeure der in Hessen...
Camouflaged Publications: 'Tarnschriften', 1933-1945
The book covers look innocent: Lucrative Goose-Breeding, by Paul Hohmann, with 9 illustrations, or The Shrewd Housewife, offered...
Alexander Stein and Nina Rubinstein
At the end of 2005 the IISH received substantial additions to the archives of Alexander Stein (pseudonym of A.N. Rubinstejn, 1881...
Gustav Landauer and Margarethe Faas-Hardegger
The IISH recently received a magnificent collection of letters and postcards from the German writer, anarchist and editor of Der...
Unaffiliated Women's Movement Berlin 1989-1999
In July 2005 the IISH received a beautiful collection of documentation about this Unabhängiger Frauenverband (Unaffilialted Women...
De man die alles wist. Leven en werk van Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680)
Beroemd en gevierd tijdens zijn leven, vergeten na zijn dood - de naam Athanasius Kircher zegt tegenwoordig maar weinig mensen...
Germany and Central Europe Collection Guide
The IISH collections on Germany and German speaking countries in Central Europe cover the period beginning with the democratic...
Migrant Workers from Lippe
In the 18th and 19 centuries, thousands of Lippian brick makers came from Germany to the Netherlands to find temporary work. Each...
Lippische Ziegler
Im 19. Jahrhundert verließen bis zu 40% aller männlichen Erwerbstätigen in jedem Frühjahr das Fürstentum Lippe. Bis zum Herbst...
Deutsche Volksfront
Boekpresentatie ‘Deutsche Volksfront 1932-1939. Zwischen Berlin, Paris, Prag und Moskau’dr. Ursula Langkau-Alex In drie delen,...
Reconstructing the Record of Nazi Cultural Plunder
Published by the International Institute of Social History, in association with the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and...
Was soll aus Deutschland werden?
Im Council for a Democratic Germany unter dem Vorsitz des Religionsphilosophen Paul Tillich traten im Mai 1944 deutsche Exilanten...
Wilhelm Dittmann : Erinnerungen
Vier Jahrzehnte deutscher Geschichte aus der Sicht eines sozialdemokratischen Politikers. Die Memoiren Wilhelm Dittmans (1874-...
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