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European Referendum

11 January 1935
Saarland plebiscite collection, inventory number 11.

In January 1935 the German Nazis generated an avalanche of propaganda in the Saarland. Since the Versailles Peace Treaty (1919) Saarland was administered by the League of Nations. In a referendum on 13 January the Saarlanders were allowed to choose which nation they wanted to be part of. About 0.4 percent voted for France, 8.8 percent wanted to go on under the League of Nations. Thus the referendum was a great success for the Nazis, with their clear message 'Deutsch ist die Saar/Deutsch immerdar/Und deutsch ist unseres Flusses Strand/Und ewig deutsch mein Heimatland. (The Saar is German/German forever/And the river banks are German/and my homeland is eternally German.)