Women’s movement
East End Suffragettes: the photographs of Norah Smyth in London
Always impressive to see parts of our beautiful collection. How nice that we can occasionally share this and loan material for...
International Women's Day in Russia
Childcare, canteens and laundries enable women to participate fully in the construction of socialism.For nearly a century now,...
Rosa Manus, a Jewish Dutch Feminist
Rosa Manus (1881-1942). The International Life and Legacy of a Jewish Dutch Feminist uncovers the life of Dutch feminist and...
Boekpresentatie Rosa Manus (1881-1942) (VOLGEBOEKT)
Uitgeverij Brill, het Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis en Atria nodigen u gaarne uit voor de presentatie van...
Sadiqe Dowlatabadi Tour door het IISG
T/m 8 maart is de tentoonstelling Iran's Woman's Movement. On the Archive of Sadiqw Dowlatabadi te zien in Framer Framed,...
Sadiqe Dowlatabadi archives in exposition
In Framer Framed an exhibition on Sadiqe Dowlatabadi, 'Iran’s Women’s Movement: On the Archive of Sadiqe Dowlatabadi', is on...
An afternoon with Sadiqe Dowlatabadi
An Afternoon with Sadiqe DowlatabadiFeminist Movement in the Twentieth-Century IranInternational Institute of Social History (...
ViVa: A Bibliography of Women's History
ViVa is a bibliography of women's and gender history in historical and women's studies journals. Articles in English, French,...
Women Against War
From 26 until 28 March 1915 the International Socialist Women Conference took place in the “Volkshaus” of Bern (Switzerland)....
Women's Suffrage
Women's suffrage in the US was finally achieved on 18 August 1920 when Tennessee ratified the Nineteenth Amendment to the...
Women's Day
Many women in Bangladesh are exposed to domestic violence. In the worst case they become victims of an acid attack in the face....
Maternalism Reconsidered
Beginning in the late 19th century, competing ideas about motherhood had a profound impact on the development and implementation...
Women and Class Struggle
Clara Zetkin started her official career in the German Social-Democrat Party on 28 December 1891 when she was appointed editor of...
Black Friday
The British suffragettes were ladies with a fighting spirit. The women of the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) were used...
The Right to Vote Is an Obligation
German women were allowed to vote for the first time on 19 January 1919. The Weimar Republic established this in the electoral...
Violet September
"We call ourselves Violet September now, because in September we understood that political consciousness of the feminist movement...
Women of Burma Day
Since 1997 Burmese activists and their supporters have celebrated June 19, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's birthday, as Women of Burma Day...
Iranian Women's Movement
On 30 May 1926, the congress of the International Alliance for Women's Suffrage met. For the first time a representative from...
La Novela Ideal and La Novela Libre
The IISH's holdings of the two fiction series (La Novela Ideal and La Novela Libre) published by La Revista Blanca are extensive....
Women in the Paris Commune
Paris, spring 1871. Women participate in great numbers in the Paris Commune people's rebellion. Characteristically, women figure...
Nadja Strasser
In 2011 the IISH acquired with help of the Friends of the IISH an original typescript (176 pp.) by Nadja Strasser (1871-1955)....
Gendered Money
As economic citizenship was a pre-condition of full citizenship, the lack of economic autonomy was an important motivation during...
Martha Tausk
As a young woman, Martha Tausk was among the female champions of socialism in Austria. From 1919 to 1927, she served on both the...
Unaffiliated Women's Movement Berlin 1989-1999
In July 2005 the IISH received a beautiful collection of documentation about this Unabhängiger Frauenverband (Unaffilialted Women...
De Verklarende Kracht van Gender
De verklarende kracht van genderMannelijke historici aan het woordDiscussiemiddag
Decennia geleden vond de introductie plaats van...