Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Sadiqe Dowlatabadi archives in exposition

In Framer Framed an exhibition on Sadiqe Dowlatabadi, 'Iran’s Women’s Movement: On the Archive of Sadiqe Dowlatabadi', is on display from February 7th until March 8th.
The IISH gave the Sadiq Dowlatabadi archives on loan for this exhibition. The exhibition is curated in collaboration with curator and artist Azadeh Fatehrad (Iran) and consists among other things of personal archival material of Sadiqe Dowlatabadi.

Sadiqe Dowlatabadi was the ‘founding mother’ of the Iranian feminist movement and publisher of the periodical Zaban-e-Zanan (Women’s voices)

Framer Framed in de Tolhuistuin, IJpromenade 2, Amsterdam

Read the article in the New York Times about this exhibition.

Picture: A cover of Iranian women's journal Zaban-E-Zanan, first published in 1919. Collection IISH.

20 January 2016