Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


Who's afraid of the Archive?
  Thursday 4 October 2018Who’s Afraid of the Archive?Interdisciplinary meetup for artists, scholars and archivistsInternational...
Exhibition ‘Together and Apart. The Family in Russia in the Twentieth Century’
‘Together and Apart’ is an exhibition about the family in Russia’s turbulent twentieth century. It has been on show at venues in...
Wouter Gortzak, Journalist and Politician
The inventory of the papers of Wouter Gortzak was recently completed.Wouter Gortzak grew up in a communist milieu. His father...
Charlie Hebdo
The attack on the editorial office of Charlie Hebdo in Paris on January 7, 2015  caused a worldwide wave of anger and protest.The...
Voice of the Voiceless
Oscar Matus was an Argentinian composer from the province of Mendoza. The composer was married to the 'Voice of the Voiceless', ...
Fashion and Costume History
Clothing is determined by society and culture, and can often be an important indicator of social and cultural processes. People...
The most prestigious and seldom awarded title for artists in the Stalin era was People's Artist of the Soviet Union. The second...
Growth Market
Painting was a growth industry in the Low Countries already during the 15th and 16th centuries. In addition to the famous masters...
Fabiola, fabulous and flamboyant
Fabiola was well-known to many Amsterdam citizens as a living piece of lively and colorful art, closely associated with the...
Christ's Entry in Brussels
When the Belgian painter James Ensor conceived his famous work of art l'Entrée du Christ à Bruxelles, Belgium experienced an...
Royals and the Grumbling People
Anti-Orangist feelings are traditional in Dutch society, as well as the royal house and the Orangists themselves.When William I...
Posters from Mozambique
On 25 June 1962 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, several indigenous Mozambican liberation movements united in the Frelimo (Frente de...
Archival transfers to South Africa
Copies of archival and audio-visual items from the anti-apartheid and southern Africa solidarity collection of the IISH will be...
Life in Russia
As of 17 November, the Drents Museum in Assen (the Netherlands) features the exhibition ‘Together and Apart - the Family in...
Internationale Situationniste
A group of experimental artists and intellectuals establishes the Situationist International during a two-day conference in Italy...
Greek tragedies
A military junta led by Georgios Papadopoulos seized power in Greece on 21 April 1967. The new ‘national-Greek’ regime interned...
International Children's Day
International Children's Day had its origin in the `World Conference for the Well Being of Children', held in Geneva, Switzerland...
A Present of Flowers
"12 March 1639 a nephew of Mr Adriaen van Witvelt, painter, presented me with 16 prints of all sorts of flowers and insects..."...
Men with Monkey Testicles
The first successful implant of monkey testicles in a man dates from 1920. A French doctor of Russian descent, Serge Voronoff,...
No Trade Union without a Banner
After the establishment of their local trade union branch on 29 May 1916, the transport workers from Dordrecht, Holland, had to...
Open the Grave
`Honouring the dead, the convicted, and the dead still to be killed' was the theme of the first real happening in Amsterdam on 9...
Never Mind the Bollocks
The release of 'Never mind the Bollocks', the new album of the Sex Pistols, was hot news in November 1977. And not only because...
Darwin Sold Out
Charles Darwin's On the origin of Species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle...
Index of Prohibited Books Cancelled
The Index of Prohibited Books (Index Librorum Prohibitorum) existed for over four hundred years when it was cancelled by Pope...
Jan Sluijters
The famous Dutch painter Jan Sluijters received 1568 guilders for this portrait of Jan van den Tempel on 13 January 1950. Van den...
A Supernatural Jimi Hendrix
On September 18, 1970 Jimi Hendrix dies after an overdosis of pills. The year before this picture was shot in New York by the...
Beatles in Holland
Volendam caps and many press photographers wait at Schiphol airport to welcome the Beatles when they arrive in Holland for the...
International Avant-Garde
'The international review i 10 will be an organ containing all kinds of expressions of the modern mind', according to the first...
Hikmet Reads a Poem
In 1955 Nazim Hikmet, the Turkish communist and poet, stayed in Budapest at the invitation of the Turkish Service of Radio...
Workers' and Writers' Collective
Lonely and obscure, the Dutch poet Freek van Leeuwen died June 9, 1968. Together with Jef Last he established the Workers' and...
Nudism Harms Our Workers
In Germany nude swimming used to be tolerated in certain reserved areas, but in the socialist DDR it was officially prohibited in...
Italian Beatnik arrested
In the sixties provos and beatniks caused trouble in Milan. In 1965, following a pilgrimage to Amsterdam, Melchiore Gembino...
Travelling with Captain Cook
Captain Cook's third and last expedition starts on 12 July 1776 with the departure of the 'Resolution' from Plymouth. The German...
World Fair in Paris
The World Fair in Paris from May till October 1855 attracted five million visitors. Among them was Queen Victoria and, in...
Summer Begins
In the history of the labour movement, holidays is associated with struggle and collective organization. The intellectual elite...
Travels in Romania
Translators of the Romanian national poet Mihai Eminescu travelled to Constanta, on the shores of the Black Sea, to be present at...
Surprise from the Middle East
In July, there is usually nothing much to report about in the media. In 1958 however, Egyptian president Nasser prepares "an...
Moscow without Masks
Artist Georges Rémi (Hergé) had not visited the Soviet-Union when he published the story of Tintin in the Soviet Union on 10...
Following the great burning of books in Hitler's Germany on May 10, 1933, some authors were able to rise from the ashes thanks to...
Workers' Choirs
German workers' choirs at various locations in Czech Northern Bohemia joined in a varied musical weekend at the end of June 1931...
Christmas on New Year's Eve
After the 1917 revolution, the traditional Christmas celebration was removed to New Year's Eve in the Soviet Union. The New Year...
Soviet Children's Picture Books from the Twenties and Thirties
The IISH houses a rich collection of manuscripts, books and pamphlets documenting the social and political history of Russia and...
La Novela Ideal and La Novela Libre
The IISH's holdings of the two fiction series (La Novela Ideal and La Novela Libre) published by La Revista Blanca are extensive....
A Matter of Time
If you want to change society, why not change the calendar as well? During the 18th century, radical French philosophers...
Zo d'Axa
Adventurer, traveller, anti-militarist, individualist, satirist, journalist, founder of two of the most legendary French...
Designs for stained glass windows by W.A. van de Walle
The IISH has a unique collection of designs by the Dutch artist W.A. van de Walle for stained glass windows in trade union...
Lending Library of the Dutch League of Vegetarians
Over 750 works about vegetarianism and natural medicine, the complete lending library of the Nederlandsche Vegetariërsbond [Dutch...
Auguste Fabre - Les Sky Scratchers
In 1896 Auguste Fabre, a Frenchman involved in the cooperative movement, wrote a short book about American skyscrapers. The...
Zvukovye Pis'ma - Musical Mail
The Institute holds a small collection of extraordinary Russian sound documents: zvukovye pis'ma, or musical letters. They were...
A special collection: Nazım Hikmet
In 2002 the 100th birthday of Nazım Hikmet (Ran), one of the greatest Turkish poets of the twentieth century was celebrated. His...
Socialist Ex Libris
An ex libris, mark of ownership in a book or manuscript, is both a sample of printing and a piece of art. As art, it is an...
French Revolutionary Songs
Every revolution has its own songs. In France, the birthplace of revolution, the tradition of protest songs has been strongly...
Special Editions Academy Library
In 2005 IISH acquired the Academy Library (library of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences) - a collection of around 200,000...
Tom Küsters
Tom Küsters was born in Groesbeek in 1943. Although he died in this same town in 2008, he was deeply involved in the world...
Jacques D'Hondt
In 2009 the Institute received the larger part of the personal archive and part of the library of the French philosopher Jacques...
Ewald Vanvugt photos
The Institute acquired a large collection of black-and-white photographs and negative prints by Ewald Vanvugt (Den Bosch, The...
Jacob van Slooten and Simon Vestdijk
Jacob van Slooten was an electrotechnical engineer who worked in Philips' physics laboratory in Eindhoven. He also published...
Portrait of Jan van den Tempel
At the end of 2002 IISH received a very fine, valuable portrait of Minister Van den Tempel, painted by Jan Sluijters (1881-1957...
Simon Vinkenoog
The Dutch poet and icon of the 1960's Simon Vinkenoog (Amsterdam 1928-2009) left many traces in the IISH:Archival collection...
Paul F. Sanders
Paul F. Sanders (1891-1986) was not only a musician but also a well-known Dutch journalist. He was a music critic for the...
Meyer Sluyser
Meyer Sluyser (1901-1973) was one of the best-known Dutch social-democratic journalists during and after the war. He was from a...
Nienke van Hichtum
Nienke van Hichtum (1860-1939) is the pseudonym of Sjoukje Troelstra-Bokma de Boer.In 1888 she married the Frisian politician...
Works by Fré Cohen
Three lithographies, a woodcut and a number of proof prints of designs for vignettes for the magazine De Toorts (The Torch), all...
De man die alles wist. Leven en werk van Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680)
Beroemd en gevierd tijdens zijn leven, vergeten na zijn dood - de naam Athanasius Kircher zegt tegenwoordig maar weinig mensen...
Persia from a Western Perspective
The Academy library has several interesting studies about Persia, especially seventeenth and eighteenth-century historiographies...
Books as Objects of Veneration
Books as Objects of Veneration, Subjects of DestructionExpositie georganiseerd door het Sinologisch Instituut van de Universiteit...
Kees Willemen
In het kader van het lustrum van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen organiseert de Universiteitsbibliotheek in 2009 een aantal...
The Sixties
The Sixties is the name of the exhibition at De Burcht in Amsterdam that runs from 28 October 2001 until 24 March 2002 and...
Fotoreproducties Ben van Meerendonk
Social History Shop, de webwinkel van het Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis (IISG), breidt uit met foto's van de...
Dr Rat Memorial Day
Op 29 juni 2011 vindt op het Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis de Dr. Rat Memorial Day plaats met een...
De verleiding van het Beeld
Studiemiddag over reclame en visuele cultuur in de Lage Landen Programma (pdf)
Ruédo Iberico, een intellectuele uitdaging
TentoonstellingUitgeverij Ruedo Ibérico werd in 1961 te Parijs opgericht door een groep Spaanse ballingen. Deze tentoonstelling...
Qajar Persia (Iran)
11th Conference on Qajar Studies and Inauguration of the Qajar Documentation Centre at the International Institute of Social...
Boekenweek 2005
De stichting CPNB organiseert de boekenweek 2005 met verschillende organisaties, waaronder het IISG. Het Instituut is mede-...
Social and Economic Agency and the Cultural Heritage of the Soviet Past
Social norms and practices, mentalities and attitudes inherited from the Soviet period are commonly perceived as important, yet...
Unruly Masses
Fin-de-Siécle Vienna has become the glorified icon of innovative modernism in the arts and letters. Yet the misery of the masses...
The Imaginary Revolution
The events of 1968 have been seen as a decisive turning point in the Western world of even mythical significance. The author...
Between Cross and Class
In the late nineteenth century in a number of continental European countries Christian associations of workers arose: Christian...
Summer Holidays
In the history of the labour movement, having holidays, like anything else, is associated with struggle and organization. Trade...
Season's Greetings
On these pages the IISH presents a small selection of images from the institute's collections related to Christmas and New Year:...
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