Exhibition in Beijing receives 2 million visitors
Exhibition in Beijing showcasing original Marx documents from the IISH receives 2 million visitors.To mark the bicentenary of his...
Boekpresentatie IISG en Goethe Instituut over Marx
Uitgeverij Vantilt, het Goethe-Instituut Amsterdam, het Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis en het Duitsland...
Grant for Marx-Engels Gesamtausgabe
Thanks to a generous grant from the German Academy of Sciences (Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften), the historical...
Guided Tours Marx behind the Scenes/(fully booked)
The publications by Marx and Engels are among the most influential in the history of the world. Not so well known is that their...
Marx in Biennale di Venezia
Karl Marx is omnipresent at the 56th International Art Exhibition of la Biennale di Venezia. In the Central Pavilion at the...
Once More 'Beyond Marx'
Haymarket Books published a new paperback edition of Beyond Marx. Theorising the Global Labour Relations of the 21st Century,...
Marx & Engels papers completely available online
The original papers of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, World Classics, are digitized and now online accessible. The papers can be...
Conference: Marx’s Capital. An Unfinished and Unfinishable Project?
All of Marx’s previously unpublished economic manuscripts have now become available in the Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe (MEGA), the...
Rural Revolution
Peasants played no role in the revolutionary plans of the Chinese Communist Party until March 1927, when Mao Zedong published his...
Unesco Certificate
In June 2013, the only surviving handwritten page of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto (1848) and the first edition of volume I of...
'Beyond Marx'
Traditional labour history focuses at just one segment of workers: wage earners in industry, agriculture, mining and transport....
Destruction of Capital
The original manuscript of Karl Marx' Das Kapital volume I was destroyed by the British Royal Airforce. After printing the first...
Marx anticipated revolution starting in Poland
Volume III-12 of the Marx-Engels correspondence covering the period 1862-1864 has recently appeared. This is the latest work in...
Itineraries of Das Kapital
Das Kapital endured a turbulent journey before arriving safely at the International Institute of Social History in 1938. It all...
Please find enclosed the Communist Manifesto
In a letter dated London, 12 and 13 June 1883, Friedrich Engels enclosed a present for Eduard Bernstein. It was a handwritten...
Marx as a Party-Game
Traditionally during the long winter nights of December, home-loving families in the Low Countries play party-games. During the '...
Marx in a Subordinate Role
On 28 September 1864 the Saint Martins meeting hall in London was packed to the roof with craftsmen and workers from various...
For My Darling Little Mama
The London photographer John Mayall made this portrait of Karl Marx in 1875. Since then, hundreds of thousands of copies have...
The Rheinische Zeitung and Karl Marx
The first political piece that Karl Marx (age 24) wrote after his dissertation was a polemic against censorship in the spring of...
Debat: Is Karl Marx nog actueel?
Spui25, in samenwerking met het Instituut voor Cultuur en GeschiedenisHet communisme heeft zijn failliet bewezen en het...
Correspondence Kautsky-Bernstein
Based on the Kautsky and Bernstein papers at the IISH, a new volume was published in the series Quellen und Studien zur...
Eduard Bernsteins Briefwechsel mit Karl Kautsky (1891-1895)
Die Korrespondenz zwischen Eduard Bernstein und Karl Kautsky, den "Meisterschülern" von Marx und Engels, ist einer der...
Ernest Mandel
In February 2008 a large ancient metal crate arrived from Belgium full of papers dealing with the Fourth International and Ernest...
The Internationale Marx-Engels-Stiftung (IMES) was established in 1990 in Amsterdam. The IMES is an international network of the...
Marx-Engels Papers
The IISH now has a thousand inventories available online. The serial number 1000 has been reserved for the Institute's best known...
Kautsky archives reunited
In 1938, the Marxist theoretician Karl Kautsky and his wife Luise deposited their enormous archive at the IISH. It survived the...
Fedor I. Dan und Otto Bauer
Die Edition umfasst wesentliche Teile eines Briefwechsels zwischen dem russischen Exilsozialisten Fedor I. Dan (1871 - 1947) und...
Urban Radicals, Rural Allies
Social democracy experienced a dramatic growth in the four decades prior to World War I. In this period, the era of the Second...