Volume III-12 of the Marx-Engels correspondence covering the period 1862-1864 has recently appeared. This is the latest work in the series edited by the Internationale Marx-Engels Stiftung IMES. IMES was started in 1990 on the initiative of the IISH as an international network to complete the historical-critical editions of the works of Marx and Engels.
Volume III-12 contains 425 letters, and includes correspondence between the two protagonists, as well as correspondence of Marx and Engels with other people.
No wonder the authors were concerned with contemporary events such as the American Civil War and the Polish Insurrection of 1863-1864.
Marx considered the Civil War as the harbinger of socialist revolutions. As the Polish rebellion against the Russian czar was supported by all segments of the population, Marx and Engels foresaw that it would end in an all-European revolution against autocratic regimes. However, the revolution went no further than Lithuania.
Marx and his daughter Jenny, 1869. She wears a cross commemorating the Polish insurrection.
Band III /12 Briefwechsel Januar 1862 bis September 1864; Berlin: Akademie Verlag 2013; 1529 Seiten; ISBN 978-3-05-004984-7)