Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


The Rosa Luxemburg & Karl Liebknecht papers
Rosa Luxemburg & Karl Liebknecht - commemorating 100 yearsToday marks the passing of 100 years since the murders of Rosa...
Marx's Capital. An Unfinishable Project?
On May 5 Marx's Capital: An Unfinishable Project? was published.In 2013 the ‘Abteilung II’ of the Marx-Engels Gesamtausgabe (...
Tentoonstelling over Henk Sneevliet in China
Op 28 november opent het Nong Jiang Suo Institute-Museum in Guangzhou een tentoonstelling over het leven van Henk Sneevliet....
“Arrived in Kolyma in Good Health”
The Dutch engineer Wim de Wit sympathized with the Russian Revolution and moved to the Soviet Union in the 1920s to help in...
Revolution and Reality. The Family in Russia in the Twentieth Century
100th anniversary of the Russian revolution:research, collections and events at IISHThe Bolsheviks, who came to power in Russia...
Exhibition ‘Together and Apart. The Family in Russia in the Twentieth Century’
‘Together and Apart’ is an exhibition about the family in Russia’s turbulent twentieth century. It has been on show at venues in...
Who lost the Russian Revolution?
100th anniversary of the Russian revolution:research, collections and events at IISH The Russian revolution of 1917 and the...
The Russian Revolution at IISH
Button (Collection IISH) In the year 2017, hundred years after the Russian revolution, the International Institute of Social...
Command on a piece of cloth/ Election for Record of the Year 2016
How the Chinese Communist Party moved to Canton by means of a Dutchman. Please vote for this archive record as Record of the Year...
CPN Leader Marcus Bakker as a Family Man
Marcus Bakker (1923-2009) is well known as the parliamentary face of the Communist Party in the Netherlands (CPN). Even his many...
Boekpresentatie vertaling Het Communistisch Manifest
Uitgeverij VanTilt en het IISG nodigen u uit voor de presentatie van Het communistisch manifest, vertaald door Hans Driessen.In...
Harry Verheij, Resistance Fighter and Amsterdam Alderman
On 30 June 2014 former CPN Amsterdam alderman Harry Verheij passed away at the age of 97. Just over a year later, the...
IISH Exhibition in Saint Petersburg
On 18 September 2014 the exhibition "Together and Apart. The Urban Family in Russia in the 20th century" opened its doors in the...
Lin Zhao
Lin Zhao was executed by a firing squad on this day in 1968 for 'insanely attacking, cursing, and slandering our great Chinese...
Paul Frölich - Autobiography
By the summer of 1935, the virgin IISH asked prominent socialists to write their political memoirs. Paul Frölich, who co-founded...
Alienating Labour
The Communist Party Dictatorships in Hungary and East Germany sought to win over the 'masses' with promises of providing for ever...
Liquidation of the Kulaks
On 27 December 1929 Stalin officially announced the forthcoming 'liquidation of the Kulaks as a Class'. Dekulakization consisted...
A Black Bolshevik
Sixteen-year old Surinam-born Otto Huiswoud jumped off a banana-boat docking in New York in 1910. He became a member of the...
Workers International Relief
Workers International Relief (WIR) was created on the initiative of the German communist Willi Münzenberg on September 12, 1921...
Hero of Labour
Alexey Stakhanov (1906-1977), a Russian miner achieving incredibly high production figures, was reported to have set a new record...
Little Moscow in Wales
Miners from South Wales marched to London to draw atttention to 'the chronic destitution affecting unemployed and employed miners...
Co-founder of the Indonesian Communist Party
In 2013 the IISH received a small accrual to the papers of Raden Darsono Notosurdirdjo. Darsono was co-founder of the Partis...
Joop and Jaap Wolff, no 2 en 3 in the CPN
Paul de Groot ranks as the number 1 leader in the history of the Dutch Communist Party. The brothers Joop and Jaap Wolff no doubt...
Daan Goulooze
A small archive from the communist resistance fighter Daan Goulooze and elaborate documentation about his life finally found...
Comrade Nepal Nag
Nepal Nag, one of the founders of the Communist Party of Dhaka, attended the international meeting of Communist Parties held in...
Final Days in Buchenwald
When the Americans approached the Buchenwald concentration camp, the SS left on 11 April 1945. The Dutch painter Han Pieck was...
An Early Pravda
The Pravda "Workers paper" started in Petersburg in 1912, and following many name changes developed into the central organ of the...
Maoists in Three Languages
Switzerland has four official national languages. The tiny Maoist Communist Organization of Switzerland, serves its few hundred...
Russian Tanks in Prague
In the night of 20 August 1968 Soviet tanks and those of its allies rolled into the Czechoslovak capital Prague. This action...
Hikmet Reads a Poem
In 1955 Nazim Hikmet, the Turkish communist and poet, stayed in Budapest at the invitation of the Turkish Service of Radio...
Social-Demokraten under Communist Auspices
Social-demokraten is the newspaper of Det Norske Arbeiderparti (DNA), founded in 1887. In 1921 the DNA joins the Communist...
Ukaze on a Rag
The Communist International (Comintern) in Moscow issued the order that the Chinese Communist Party should move from Shanghai to...
Azerbaijan Apart
Stalins new Constitution in 1936 made Azerbaijan a separate soviet republic. In 1922 it had been forged together with Georgia and...
Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh died on 2 September 1969 in Hanoi. 24 years before, on exactly the same date he had proclaimed the independence of...
The Liberators in Phnom Penh
"Look, they're small, dusty, and they're not wearing any shoes." French fellow-travellers Jerome and Jocelyne Steinbach watched...
No Commemorations
Lithuanians sometimes associate the commemoration of historical global events with repression. In August 1989 they formed a human...
Terrorist International
On 17 July 1985 the Australian Socialist Workers Party responds to a speech by President Reagan about an international terrorist...
Great Leap Forward
The Bulgarian Communist Party introduced its third 5-year plan in 1958. For its slogan the party borrowed the phrase 'Great Leap...
Battery Operated Smile
The cult around the Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping didn’t start until after his gradual retirement in 1989. Deng disliked the...
Peoples' Front in Brazil
In view of the presidential elections in Brazil in 1989 (the first direct elections since 1960), the Partido Comunista do Brasil...
Communist Party of Sudan
Sudan underwent three coups after the Second World War. The military coup of June 30 1989, led by Umar al-Bashir, took an Islamic...
Rosenbergs Found Guilty
A world-wide clemency appeal was launched after the American communists Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were sentenced to death on the...
Red Soldiers in Hungary
In the aftermath of the First World War, communists established a Soviet republic in Hungary under the leadership of Bela Kun....
Kampuchea in Red
The communist Red Khmer government that came to power in Cambodia in 1975 had to distinguish the new state from the old one. On 5...
Border Control in Berlin
Neues Deutschland, the newspaper of the East German communist party, is full of official announcements on 13 August 1961. It has...
Crocodile Tears for Aldo Moro
The Italian leftist daily Lotta Continua covers the official celebration on the death of Aldo Moro on May 13, 1978. After 55 days...
Marshal Tito
Josip Broz Tito was secretary-general of the Yugoslavian Communist Party when, in April 1941, the Nazi's occupied his country....
Failed Attack on Moncada
In 1953 Fidel Castro and a group of rebels attacked the Moncada barracks, a military headquarters in the south. Dictator Batista...
A Centenary of Marxism
On September 14th 1967, the Dutch writer Karel van het Reve sent a picture postcard to the librarian of the IISH, showing the...
'No Reason to Worry'
The Dutch Jewish communist Alex de Leeuw was arrested by the Nazis in May 1941. His letters from camp Schoorl and Amersfoort...
Lager 4074, Kazakhstan
Spanish convicts were released from the Soviet Russian labour camp 4074 in Kazakhstan on 25 March 1954. They came to the Soviet...
Commemorating the Peasant Uprising of Telengana
The peasant rising in 1946 in Telengana (in Hyderabad, South India) was directed against forced labour and feudal oppression....
Slogans for the Peoples of the East
In April 1920 the Soviet Red Army occupied Azerbaijan. The Communist International decided to hold a 'Congress of the Peoples of...
Gang of Four under Fire
In the beginning of the 70s China was in transition. The old leaders, Mao and Zhou Enlai, were ill. A group around Mao's second...
12 Years of 'Emergency'
'Emergency' was the euphemistic name for a war that had started in 1948 between the British colonial power and Malaysian...
First Man in Space
On 12 April 1961 the Soviet Union was the first to send a man into space: Yuri Gagarin. Congratulations from all parts of the...
Che lectures for two hours
In a time when he was no romantic hero yet, Che Guevara (1928-1967) could confront his audience with endless lectures. It took...
Killing a model soldier
After the death of model soldier Lei Feng, Chairman Mao called upon the nation to "learn from Lei Feng." There are many myths...
Communism's Last Gasp
The opening up of the Iron Curtain in Eastern Europe in 1989 was accelerated by the decision of the Hungarian government to...
Stalin Opens White Sea Canal
On 2 August 1933, the "White Sea Canal" or "Belomorkanal" was officially opened. It is a vital link between St. Petersburg (...
Catalonian Maoists in Amsterdam
The Frente Revolucionario Antifascista y Patriota (FRAP) is a militant organization of Catalonians who aimed changing Spain...
Street of June 17th
Since July 1953 the Charlottenburger Allee in West Berlin has been called Strasse des 17. Juni (Street of 17 June). That was the...
Moscow without Masks
Artist Georges Rémi (Hergé) had not visited the Soviet-Union when he published the story of Tintin in the Soviet Union on 10...
Tiananmen Square 1989
The Chinese people's movement started as a demonstration by Beijing University students in April 1989, and in seven weeks grew...
Communist Manifesto
It took Marx and Engels six weeks to write the Communist Manifesto, since, by the end of December 1847, the London...
Little Red Books
Although tens of millions of this publication were distributed in China and its contents had to be known by heart, the name of '...
Images of Lenin
Lenin and his followers always had a supreme understanding of the power of images. Only a few months after they came to power in...
 On 2 August 1933, the 'White Sea-Baltic Canal in the name of Stalin' was officially opened. In Russian the canal is called the...
Political Prisoners in Indonesia
“Taporal” is an extensive oral history project about former political prisoners (tapols) in Indonesia. After the 1965 coup in...
A Sudeten-German Euro-communist
From Berlin the IISH received a typescript of more than 200 pages by Leopold Grünwald. Grünwald, born in 1901, was a Sudeten...
Walter Kendall
In February 2010 the IISH received the vast archive of Walter Kendall. All his life Kendall (born in London in 1926) combined...
Piet van Staveren
From Joop Morriën, the IISH received a small but good additional to the papers of Piet van Staveren (Rotterdam, 1925). Van...
Piet van Staveren
At times the struggle between the Dutch and Indonesians for independence was not entirely black and white. Sometimes Dutch young...
Communist Party of Sudan
Hizb al-Shuyu'i al-Sudani Collection (1970-2003)The IISH recently received a new collection regarding Sudan: papers from the...
Bangeswar Roy Collection
In 1932 Bangeswar Roy (1911-2001) co-founded the Communist Party of Bengal in Dhaka. Before joining this party, he belonged to an...
Piet Nak as Pietro Nakaro
Recently the Institute received a small collection of documents and photographs concerning the well-known Dutch communist Piet...
Nepal Nag's Diary
Nibedita Nag has donated Nepal Nag's diary from 1960 which can be considered as an unique document of the international communist...
Malayan Liberation Army
After the Second World War, the Malayan Communist Party (MCP) fought successively the British colonial government and the Malayan...
Posters uit Vietnam
De Koude Oorlog en de strijd in Vietnam hebben een enorme hoeveelheid propaganda-posters opgeleverd. China, Sovjet-Rusland en...
Western Marxism and the Soviet Union
The "Russian Question" was an absolutely central problem for Marxism in the twentieth century. Numerous attempts were made to...
GULAG Press on Microfiche
The GULAG Press, containing "news" bulletins, posters, literary journals, albums and booklets, has been neglected by historians...
Deutsche Volksfront
Boekpresentatie ‘Deutsche Volksfront 1932-1939. Zwischen Berlin, Paris, Prag und Moskau’dr. Ursula Langkau-Alex In drie delen,...
1965: The Forgotten Holocaust of Indonesia
BackgroundFollowing an aborted coup attempt in October 1965, the Indonesian military organized what turned out to be one of the...
Labour History of Russia and the Soviet Union: Work in Progress
The conference brought together specialists on Russian and Soviet labour history from North America, Western and Eastern Europe,...
The Alexander Herzen Foundation against censorship in the Soviet Union
...any citizen of any country should have under any circumstances at any time the possibility of expressing any opinion'. Karel...
Der Moskauer Prozeß 1936
In der Geschichte der Sowjetunion steht der Moskauer Schauprozeß von 1936 für den Beginn der stalinistischen Säuberungswelle. Mit...
Der verspielte Sieg
Nach wie vor schlummern in Moskauer Archiven viele unbekannte Dokumente. Eine Reihe von ihnen hat Frank Schauff erstmals...
Europäischer Sozialismus im Kalten Krieg
In den ereignisreichen Nachkriegsjahren entstand in West- und Osteuropa eine gemeinsame sozialistische Bewegung, die einer...
Revolution and Counterrevolution
Why did the most unruly proletariat of the Twentieth Century come to tolerate the ascendancy of a political and economic system...
A Dream Deferred
This volume brings together the latest work in Russian labour history, based on exciting materials from previously closed...
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