Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Photo Gallery - Nelson Mandela and The Netherlands

A photo impression of Dutch campaigns for the release of Nelson Mandela, the reactions to his release in February 1990, and of some of his visits to the Netherlands
Nelson Mandela visited the Netherlands on several occasions. In this photo gallery you will find a selection of photos of his first visit in June 1990, and of one of his later visits, in 1999, when he received a honorary doctorate in Leiden and was cheered by thousands during a canal trip in Amsterdam. More photos can be found using the search engine on this site.

Dutch campaigns for the release of Nelson Mandela, 1976-1989

Reactions to the release of Nelson Mandela, 11 and 17 February 1990

Mandela’s first visit to the Netherlands, June 1990

Mandela’s state visit to the Netherlands, 11 and 12 March 1999

From the CASA Choir’s photo album, 1990, 1994, and 1999