In 2014 Antoinette Raquiza donated her collection of documents on the Philippine Left to the International Institute of Social History. In 2016 the collection was organized and digitized and is now available for consultation (the digital copies will be accessible at a later date)
Most of the documents are related to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the National Democratic Front (NDF). Also included in the collection are a number of brochures and periodicals. Bigger holdings of periodials (Ang Bayan & Liberation) have been added to the existing holdings at the Institute.
For a detailed list and all other information see: Antoinette Raquiza Collection on the Philippine Left
Picture below: 1st page of the statement: 'How and why Pelaez sacrificed our interests in favor of a relative and long time political supporter' (4 p.) signed by 'Concerned Citizens of Macabalan-Puntod' Cagayan de Oro City (1982?)