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The records of the ‘People’s Information Centre: April-May 2010 Crackdowns’ (PIC)

PIC was a Thai human rights organisation founded after the repression of the Red Shirt protests around the Rachaprasong intersection in Bangkok in May 2010. In total 91 people were killed during the protests in April-May 2010 (80 civilians, 11 government servants) PIC sees it as her task to clarify the circumstances under which people were killed and to force the government to take her responsibility.

The results of their enquiries resulted in the publication in 2012 of a massive report (1390 p.) under the title: Khwam jring pue khwam yutitham : hedkan lae polkratob jak kan salai kan chumnum mesa prusapha ha sam and five years later in an abrogated English edition (online only): Truth for Justice : a fact-finding report on the April-May 2010 crackdowns in Thailand

Last month IISH received a complete copy of the digital data collection from PIC, just over 400 Gb in 64000+ files, among which many photographs and videos.
The records will only be accessible with permission from PIC.

Other materials from the PIC in our collection constitute a t-shirt and a sticker (the t-shirt was photographed on my cellphone and thus doesn’t reflect the normal standards of IISH)

For more Red Shirt related collections, see also issue 33 (2017) of 'On the Waterfront', p. 7-8, publ. by Friends of the IISH.