Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Communist Party of Sudan

Hizb al-Shuyu'i al-Sudani Collection (1970-2003)

The IISH recently received a new collection regarding Sudan: papers from the Communist Party of Sudan CPS, Cairo Department, 1970-2003, and papers of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) 1990-2003.
A large portion of the Cairo Department collection concerns the Sudanese student movement in Egypt, especially during the 1970's, when more Sudanese students studied in Egypt than in Sudan itself.

The National Democratic Alliance was founded as an underground organisation in Khartoum in September 1989, only three months after the military coup by General Omar-al-Bashir who put the present regime of the National Islamic Front in power. The NDA leaders operated in exile from Cairo. The collection includes various underground CPS publications as well as those from trade unions, student and youth movements, women's organizations and professional organizations.
In addition there are eight notebooks containing the handwritten outlines of two books by Mohamed Ibrahim Nuqqud, secretary general of the CPS: Footnotes on Landownership, documents in Dar Fur, and Dialogue with Morowa.

The quarterly Grass Curtain is published in London by the Anaya Nya rebel movement, which has been fighting for independence from southern Sudan since 1955. Issue number 2 of Grass Curtain (volume 2 , october 1971), which was published shortly after the failed military coup of July 1971, sheds some light on the political developments in Sudan after the CPS was held responsible for the coup, and its leader Abdelkhaliq Mahgoub was hung.

Text was taken from On the Waterfront - newsletter of the Friends of the IISH Issue 9 (pdf, 780 Kb).