Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


General Giap
General Vo Nguyen Giap, who died in Hanoi on 4 October 2013, at the age of 102, was a brilliant military strategist. 'The Volcano...
Vietnamese Czechs
Diplomatic relations between communist Czechoslovakia and Vietnam officially started on 2 February 1950. A number of Vietnamese...
Ngo Van
Ngo Van was born in a Vietnamese village near Saigon in 1913. He left his village at the age of fourteen and moved to Saigon to...
Dien Bien Phu
General Vo Nguyen Giap, who died in Hanoi on 4 October 2013, at the age of 102, was a brilliant military strategist. 'The Volcano...
Tet, 30 January, is a Vietnamese holiday. This is why the Americans during the Vietnam War were not prepared for the massive...
Johnson is a Miller
Protests against the war in Vietnam were also reflected in Holland. As president of a friendly nation, calling Lyndon B. Johnson...
Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh died on 2 September 1969 in Hanoi. 24 years before, on exactly the same date he had proclaimed the independence of...
Ngo Van, a Vietnamese in Paris
In 2011 the IISH acquired the papers of the late Ngo Van. Van, who was born in Tân Lô, a Vietnamese village near Saigon in 1913....
David Truong
The IISH received an important addition to the archive of David H.D. Truong, formerly known as Truong Dinh Truong. Truong was...
Kurt Steinhaus
After having completed his military service with the rank of lieutenant, Kurt Steinhaus (1938 Stettin-1991 Heidelberg) studied...
Posters From Vietnam
In 2001 the IISH received a collection of 26 Vietnamese posters, an important addition to its current collection.Interesting to...
Politieke prenten Vietnam Oorlog
De Nederlandse kranten kennen een lange traditie van politieke prenten, tekeningen die commentaar leveren op het nieuws. Hier...
Posters uit Vietnam
De Koude Oorlog en de strijd in Vietnam hebben een enorme hoeveelheid propaganda-posters opgeleverd. China, Sovjet-Rusland en...
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