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Boekpresentatie: Mediastrijd om Suriname.
15.00 uur Ellen de Vries en uitgeverij WalburgPers nodigen u graag uit voor de boekpresentatie Mediastrijd om Suriname. Van...
A Controversial Monument
Emotions ran high when a monument in honour of Anton de Kom was unveiled in Amsterdam. The Surinamese Anton de Kom (1898-1945)...
Special Collections on Suriname at the IISH
On 25 November, Suriname celebrates 40 years of independence from the Netherlands.The Suriname-Dutch relationship dates from the...
Suriname Society
The Suriname Society  was established in Amsterdam on 21 May 1683 to develop the new overseas colony of Suriname. The Society...
Shipped to Suriname, 1683
In 1683 the Suriname Society, a subsidiary of the Dutch West India Company and the City of Amsterdam,* was established to develop...
No Interest in Surinam
After the abolition of slavery on 1 July 1863, former slaves of Surinam were supposed to continue working on their plantation for...
Colony of Suriname Mapped Out
Each year, on behalf of the Dutch Parliament in The Hague, the colonial authorities in Suriname prepared a report on the ‘state...
Knowledge-based Migration from Surinam to Africa
An employee of the Dutch West India Company located at Elmina (now South Ghana) reported on this day: 'We are of the opinion that...
'Black Girls'
Afro-Surinamese women can be considered as the corner stone of Dutch society when it comes to caring for elderly and sick people...
A Black Bolshevik
Sixteen-year old Surinam-born Otto Huiswoud jumped off a banana-boat docking in New York in 1910. He became a member of the...
Colonial Exhibition
The first 'International Colonial and Export Exhibition', a type of World Fair, was held in Amsterdam from May 1 until October 1...
200 Slaves Arrived in Surinam
The Dutch colonies have published newspapers since the 18th century. A fine example is the Surinaamsche Nieuwsvertelder [The...
Surinamese Nurses
At the end of the fifties many women from the Dutch colony of Surinam left for the Netherlands to receive nurse's training. In...
Surinam: a Golden Future
Surinam, the former Dutch colony in South America, introduced its new flag on 25 November 1975, the day it gained independence....
Plantation Leases Slaves
The Klein-Pouderoyen plantation was owned by Dutch nationals, even after 1814, when Guyana became British territory. African...
Bert Nelemans
Since the IISH has only little original archival material about the former Dutch colony of Suriname, an unexpected acquisition of...
Afscheid van Suriname in 's Lands Hospitaal
Afscheidsfoto gemaakt in 's Lands Hospitaal (Paramaribo) in februari 1957 van de eerste door het psychiatrisch ziekenhuis...
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