Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Bert Nelemans

Since the IISH has only little original archival material about the former Dutch colony of Suriname, an unexpected acquisition of the papers of Bert Nelemans is particularly welcome. They were donated by his wife Mrs. Hanneke ten Houten. Bert Nelemans lived in Suriname during the sixties and seventies. He participated in the many demonstrations, protests and strikes organized in the run-up to independence in 1973.

Nelemans was a geography and history teacher and became a member of VELMEK, association of teachers for teacher training, secondary and higher education preparatory schools in Suriname. From 20 January to 8 February 1969 this professional organization staged a massive strike, which Nelemans joined, as his 'diploma' proves.

Inventory of the Nelemans papers.

Text was taken from On the Waterfront - newsletter of the Friends of the IISH Issue 8 (pdf, 739 Kb).