Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


Talking to Manuel Tabuenca Gutiérrez (Barcelona, 1924)
by Almudena RubioManuel Tabuenca Gutierrez is the son of CNT member Manuel Tabuenca Peña (Zaragoza, 1913- Mexico 1980). He was...
"Durruti must leave for Madrid without delay..."
 A revealing document located among the records of the Confederación Nacional de Trabajadores (CNT) clarifies why Buenaventura...
To Spain Without a Word
"Antwerp, 17 July 1938Dear parents, brothers and sisters, please forgive me, but I will have arrived in Spain by the time you...
€450.000 for the Digitization of CNT/FAI Archives
The sole remaining archive of a respectable size of the Spanish Civil War is housed at the IISH. It concerns the papers of the...
1936-1939, the Revolution Betrayed
Traduccion español: La Revolución traicionada.They were left with no other choice. Just before the end of the Spanish Civil War (...
Life stories Dutch International Brigadists (1936-1938) online
80 years ago, the Spanish Civil War started. Approximately seven hundred Dutch young men - and a single girl - left for Spain in...
Volunteers for Spain
About 800 Dutch volunteers, communists, anarchists and social democrats were active in Spain during the Civil War (1936-1939)....
Silk Workers Love Siesta
As of 1854, a crisis in the silk industry due to competition from Lyon and a disease among the silkworms affected the city of...
Three Generations of Spanish Anarchists
In 2013 the collection department of the IISH inventoried the papers of three Spaniards whose personal biographies, although...
CNT Cantabria after Franco
In 2012 the IISH received the intesting archive of the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) Federación Regional Cantabria....
Guernica Not Destroyed by Aerial Bombs
A few months after the destruction of Guernica, a commission appointed by the Spanish (Nationalist) Government began an...
José Martínez Guerricabeitia
José Martinez Guerricabeitia was born on June 18, 1921 to a family of anarcho-syndicalists near Valencia (Spain). After having...
Catalonian Maoists in Amsterdam
The Frente Revolucionario Antifascista y Patriota (FRAP) is a militant organization of Catalonians who aimed changing Spain...
Antecedents of José Ester Borras
As an anarchist, José Ester Borras (1913-1980) fled from Spain to France. There he was active in the underground during the...
Last Stamp of the FAI
When it became clear that the Spanish Republicans were losing the Civil War, contacts between the IISH and the anarchist...
La Tramontana
Anarchists in Catalonia in 1881 founded the satirical magazine La Tramontana, named after a local wind. This wind, according to...
Bomb in Barcelona
On June 7, 1896, a bomb exploded amidst a religious procession in Cambios Nuevos, Barcelona, which caused a drummer corporal and...
Modern School
Francisco Ferrer Guardia (1859-1909) was a freemason, an atheist and a radical educational reformer who felt affinity with...
Photos from the Spanish Civil War
The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) has been called the first media-war in history. Idealistic film makers and photographers like...
La Novela Ideal and La Novela Libre
The IISH's holdings of the two fiction series (La Novela Ideal and La Novela Libre) published by La Revista Blanca are extensive....
Ruedo Ibérico
‘Una formidable arma de contrainformación….’ Publisher Ruedo Ibérico’s role in the struggle against Franco’s censorshipIn the...
Sara Berenguer
In the summer of 2011 the Institute received a collection of the papers of Sara Berenguer Lahosa (1919-2010) and Jesús Guillén...
Federación Anarquista Ibérica
The Federación Anarquista Ibérica (FAI) started in 1927 as a clandestine organization of Spanish and Portuguese anarchists and it...
Federación Española de Deportados e Internados Políticos
Historiography about the post-1939 Spanish diaspora usually describes in detail the fates of those handed over to the Nazis by...
Liberto Sarrau Royes
In 2002 the IISH received from Joaquina Dorado in Paris the personal papers of Liberto Sarrau Royes, following his death in 2001...
Archivo de Fernando Gómez Peláez
Reader Report (2001)La actividad militante de Fernando Gómez Peláez, durante el exilio español en Francia, estuvo estrechamente...
José Peirats Valls
José Peirats Valls was born in Vall d'Uxó in the province of Castellón on 15 March 1908 and died in Burriana near his place of...
Ramón Álvarez Palomo
In 2004 the IISH received the personal papers of Ramón Álvarez Palomo (Ramonín), a leader in the Spanish anarcho-syndicalist...
Archivo de José Martínez y Fondos Ruedo Ibérico
Reader Report (2002)El Instituto Internacional de Historia Social de Amsterdam acoge el archivo de José Martínez Guerricabeitia (...
José Ester Borrás
On 26 October 1913, José Ester Borrás was born in Berga (province of Barcelona, Spain). He was active in the anarchist youth and...
Spanish Workers' Commission
When Spain's post-war industrialization took off in the fifties, it drew millions of young workers from the countryside to the...
Spanish Civil War Collection Guide
The Law of Historical Memory of Spain (Ley de la Memoria Histórica de España) (October 2007) has greatly enhanced research on the...
Ruédo Iberico, een intellectuele uitdaging
TentoonstellingUitgeverij Ruedo Ibérico werd in 1961 te Parijs opgericht door een groep Spaanse ballingen. Deze tentoonstelling...
Der verspielte Sieg
Nach wie vor schlummern in Moskauer Archiven viele unbekannte Dokumente. Eine Reihe von ihnen hat Frank Schauff erstmals...
A Social History Of Spanish Labour
Focusing on organization, resistance and political culture, this collection represents some of the best examples of recent...
Anarchism, Revolution and Reaction
The period from 1898 to 1923 was a particularly dramatic one in Spanish history; it culminated in the violent Barcelona 'labor...
A Guide to Sources of Information on Foreign Investment in Spain
Published for the Section of Business and Labour Archives of the International Council on Archives
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