Onderzoek naar antisemitisme en immigratie in 5 landen
Vanmiddag werden in Londen de uitkomsten gepresenteerd van een Europees onderzoek naar antisemitisme en immigratie. Naast...
Drama in Archives (2)
Archives are rarely dull; all that is needed is enough perception to see the drama of the whole human condition, the romance even...
Charlie Hebdo
The attack on the editorial office of Charlie Hebdo in Paris on January 7, 2015 caused a worldwide wave of anger and protest.The...
Tour de France
In 1469 we find reference already to a Tour de France among some journeymen, and Dijon was an important stop on this tour of no...
Mirror Makers
In October 1665 the French Minister of Finance to Louis XIV attracted some Venetian glassworkers to Paris to set up the...
French Armenia
On 26 December 2008, the president of Armenia signed a decree that granted citizenship of the Republic of Armenia to the famous...
Three hundred African immigrants, originating mainly from Mali and Senegal, occupied the Saint-Ambroise church in the 11th...
Sétif Revolt
Police officers were the face of the colonial state in much of the Maghreb. They were vulnerable to their domestic opponents, who...
Radio Heart of Steel
Steelworkers in the industrial basin of Longwy, France, reacted to the threat of unemployment and the plan to restructure the...
Rights of Man and of the Citizen
The Déclaration des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen (Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen) of 23 August 1789 is...
Female Auxiliaries
The French army's official female auxiliaries, known as cantinières, lived, traveled and fought with their combat units on...
Defenestration of an Employer
France saw a number of sharp labour conflicts in 1886. A miners strike in Decazeville broke out on January 26, after the...
Senegalese fight in Verdun
During the First World War, there were roughly 480.000 soldiers and 225.000 workers in France from the colonies, including 134....
Labour after the Black Death
After the plague called Black Death (1348-1351), Europe struggled with labour shortage and rulers in several countries...
White Coal
In the French Alps the water bubbles and rushes very rapidly. In 1869 Aristide Bergès, a paper manufacturer, had an idea to...
Workers Paradise
A successful social experiment during the industrial revolution took place in Guise in the north of France. Between 1856 and 1883...
'The words I used were worse'*
Louise Michel’s speech of 3 June 1886: what did she really say?In the short biography of Louise Michel by Hélène Saudrais on the...
Neo-Malthusianism in France
A new web exhibition presents the story of contraception in France in the 19th and 20th centuries. The anarchists Paul Robin and...
Press Freedom and Louise Michel
Many politicians try to deny responsibility for what they have said. Blaming reporters for not quoting correctly is one strategy...
Le Néo-malthusianisme en France
L'ExpositionCette exposition virtuelle sur le néo-malthusianisme français – le mouvement pour le contrôle des naissances en...
French Newspaper from The Netherlands
At the end of the seventeenth century, the French government strongly controlled the national press. Censorship was effective,...
Credo Communiste
The French Utopian thinker Etienne Cabet (1788-1856) wrote his Credo Communiste in 1841. On June 20, 1851, the artist Glatigny...
Index of Prohibited Books Cancelled
The Index of Prohibited Books (Index Librorum Prohibitorum) existed for over four hundred years when it was cancelled by Pope...
A Practical Utopian
A letter by the French Utopian thinker Etienne Cabet (1788-1856) of 7 April 1846 reveals that Cabet was a man of action as well...
Gracchus Babeuf
The French revolutionary François Babeuf (1760-1797) went by the name of Gracchus. The Roman peoples' tribunes Tiberius and Gaius...
Commemoration of the Paris Commune in New York
Exiled French citizens throw a party in the "Germania" meeting hall in New York. They commemorate the Paris Commune, the...
"There Are No Jews in Morocco"
The German invasion of France in 1940 also had consequences for the French colonies. Morocco had been a French protectorate since...
Verdaguer Shot
Photographer Eugène Appert was allowed to take pictures in 1871 of the arrested Communards in prison. Among the more than 300...
L'assiette au Beurre
The French satirical magazine L'assiette au Beurre preferred pictures to text. Each issue featured about sixteen large prints....
Bishop Violates Saint
In 1788 the French atheist Sylvain Maréchal wrote an almanac in which he proposed to replace the saint's days with days named...
Pétroleuses in Paris
The last week of the Paris Commune began on May 21, 1871. During this 'Semaine Sanglante' [bloody week] many people were killed...
Strange Money
Copper coins of unknown origin infiltrate France in 1780. The public at the marketplace and in shops is aggressively forced to...
A Mother's Love During the French Revolution
In France, at the height of the Terror and a fortnight before the fall of Robespierre, a woman in childbed writes to her mother....
World Fair in Paris
The World Fair in Paris from May till October 1855 attracted five million visitors. Among them was Queen Victoria and, in...
Peace Pavilion During a Time of War
The world exhibition of 1937 in Paris was special. While the Civil War raged in Spain and Germany tested its new weapons of war,...
Unifying French Socialists
The Dreyfus affair had divided the French socialists on their attitude towards the (bourgeois) republican government. The 1899...
J'y Suis, J'y Reste
'Here I am and here I'll stay' were legendary words of Field Marshal MacMahon during the siege of Sebastopol in 1855. Later on,...
Peace Treaty in Ryswick
In 1697 France on the one side and the Grand Alliance (England, the Netherlands, the German states) on the other side decided to...
Terrorism and Anarchism
In February 1894 a bomb placed by an anarchist in Paris created an enormous fear of anarchism. This was the background for...
The French adventurer and anarchist Zo d'Axa (1864-1930) exposed all kinds of misbehaviour in his magazine l'Endehors. In his...
Industrial Innovation
In the Alps the water bubbles and rushes very rapidly. Aristide Bergès, a French paper manufacturer, had an idea to transfer the...
Moved to the Panthéon
Socialist politician and philosopher Jean Jaurès (1859-1914) was accorded the status of 'grand homme de la patrie' (great man of...
New calendar
On 15 August 1750 Sylvain Maréchal, one of the most radical socialist atheists, was born in Paris. He was the author of an...
Liberty Has a Last Supper
Liberty had a "Last Supper" on 29 July 1830, the third "glorious revolutionary" day (Les trois glorieuses) in Paris. This...
Merry Condoms
Eugène Humbert and his partner Jeanne were advocates of free love and birth control. They spread these ideas not only in writing...
May '68 in Paris
In May 1968 students in Paris occupied university buildings to launch an avalanche of protests and strikes against the...
Sans Culottes
The district revolutionary committees of the Sans Culottes in Paris developed their full power in the winter of 1793. Their...
Louise Michel in Court
Louise Michel had to stand trial on 16 December 1871 due to her activities in the Paris Commune. The revolutionary schoolteacher...
Paris, May '68
The posters from the May '68 Paris student movement became immediate collectors' items. An explosion of creativity accompanied...
Paris, May 1968
In May 1968 students in Paris occupied university buildings to launch an avalanche of protests and strikes against the...
Louise Michel
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of Louise Michel's death, the IISH presented in 2005 a selection of documents of her life.As...
Zo d'Axa
Adventurer, traveller, anti-militarist, individualist, satirist, journalist, founder of two of the most legendary French...
Sylvain Maréchal - the "Man without God"
On 15 August 1750 one of the most radical socialist atheists of all times was born in Paris. Sylvain Maréchal, a poet whose...
French Revolutionary Songs
Every revolution has its own songs. In France, the birthplace of revolution, the tradition of protest songs has been strongly...
Women in the Paris Commune
Paris, spring 1871. Women participate in great numbers in the Paris Commune people's rebellion. Characteristically, women figure...
Deportation to New Caledonia
After the defeat of the legendary Paris Commune (in May, 1871), a few thousand insurgents were deported to the other end of the...
Jacques D'Hondt
In 2009 the Institute received the larger part of the personal archive and part of the library of the French philosopher Jacques...
Jean Malaquais
From Malaquais' widow, the Institute received the political papers of the Polish-French writer Jean Malaquais (1908-1998). The...
10 July 1794
In France, at the height of the Terror and a fortnight before the fall of Robespierre, a woman in childbed writes to her mother....
France Collection Guide
The French collection is among the larger national collections at the IISH. Materials date back to the emergence of the...
Forging Political Identity
Escaping the traditional focus on Paris, the author examines the divergent political identities of two occupational groups in...
The Imaginary Revolution
The events of 1968 have been seen as a decisive turning point in the Western world of even mythical significance. The author...