Debat en boekpresentatie: Wat moeten historici kunnen?
Tijd: 16.00 - 18.00 uur. Inloop vanaf 15.30 uurDebat over historisch onderwijs, vaardigheden en de toekomstBoekpresentatie:...
May Fourth Movement
The peaks of Communist influence in the pre-communist Chinese workers' movement occurred in the course of nationalist protests...
The Right to Learn
South Africa's school system reflected the apartheid policy. During the 1970s and 80s many student strikes, boycotts, and violent...
Teheran Students Demonstrate for Political Freedom
In 1999 students in Tehran launched a campaign for political freedom. At first this centred on freedom of press, as the...
Students Fight the Police in Istanbul
In April 1960 a series of large-scale student demonstrations in Turkey paralysed university campuses and led to bloody...
On May 6, 1972, the radical Turkish student leader Deniz Gezmiş was hanged. The 26-year-old political scientist, who was called...
May '68 in Paris
In May 1968 students in Paris occupied university buildings to launch an avalanche of protests and strikes against the...
Rudi Dutschke Shot
On April 11, at 5.23 p.m., on the the Kurfürstendamm in Berlin, the unskilled painter Josef Erwinn Bachmann fired three shots...
Day of the Heroes
10 November was known as Hari Pahlawan in Indonesia, the day of the heroes. On this day a victory over the Dutch occupying force...
Tiananmen Square, Beijing
Since 13 May 1989, students demonstrating for democratic reforms had occupied Tiananmen Square in Beijing. The government warned...
Paris, May '68
The posters from the May '68 Paris student movement became immediate collectors' items. An explosion of creativity accompanied...
Tiananmen Square 1989
The Chinese people's movement started as a demonstration by Beijing University students in April 1989, and in seven weeks grew...
Paris, May 1968
In May 1968 students in Paris occupied university buildings to launch an avalanche of protests and strikes against the...
Protest Demonstrations in Asia
IISH Staff member Eef Vermeij, co-ordinator of the Asia department, pictured various protest demonstrations in Thailand, Hongkong...
Kurt Steinhaus
After having completed his military service with the rank of lieutenant, Kurt Steinhaus (1938 Stettin-1991 Heidelberg) studied...
Hazel Elfriede Rosenstrauch
In January 2010, the IISH received a small but interesting archive from Hazel Elfriede Rosenstrauch. Rosenstrauch (born in London...
Occupation of Amsterdam University
On 17 May 1969, students occupied the administrative center of Amsterdam University called "Maagdenhuis". They demanded student...
The Imaginary Revolution
The events of 1968 have been seen as a decisive turning point in the Western world of even mythical significance. The author...