Exploring Slave Trade in Asia
Exploring Slave Trade in Asia - Towards an Indian Ocean and Maritime Asia Slave Trade DatabaseShifting perspectives Most of today...
Recent scholarship indicates the importance and widespread character of slave trade and slavery in the Indian Ocean and maritime...
PhD thesis Prize for Rafael Thiebaut
The PhD thesis of postdoctoral researcher Rafaël Thiébaut won the 2018 Thesis Prize of the Comité national pour la mémoire et l’...
Laborers and enslaved workers
From the middle of the nineteenth century until the 1888 abolition of slavery in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro was home to the largest...
A Controversial Monument
Emotions ran high when a monument in honour of Anton de Kom was unveiled in Amsterdam. The Surinamese Anton de Kom (1898-1945)...
Slave trade in the Indian Ocean World is high on the research agenda
On 10 and 11 November, the specialist workshop Slave Trade in the Indian Ocean and Indonesian Archipelago Worlds (16th to 19th...
Between local debts and global markets. Explaining slavery in South and Southeast Asia 1600-1800
The project Between local debts and global markets. Explaining slavery in South and Southeast Asia 1600-1800 is funded through a...
CFP/workshop on Slave Trade in Asia
Slave Trade in the Indian Ocean and Indonesian Archipelago Worlds (16th to 19th Century) New Research, Results and...
Screening Ghosts of Amistad in Lab111
In film theatre Lab111, the IISH organizes on Wednesday October 21st the Dutch premiere of the documentary 'Ghosts of Amistad:...
Veni for Matthias van Rossum
Matthias van Rossum (IISH) has been awarded a Veni grant (NWO) for his research project Between local debts and global markets:...
Spui25: Aziatische Slavernij in Beeld
17.00-18.30 uur.Het Nederlandse slavernijverleden in Azië is nog altijd vrij onbekend. Dat komt niet alleen doordat historici...
Slavery in 2014
Some findings from the Global Slavery Index (November 2014) of the Walk Free Foundation:The west African nation of Mauritania has...
View of Slavery Atlanto-centric? Symposium Slavery in the Dutch Empire
In the Netherlands slavery is usually associated with Atlantic slavery. The current view of slavery might even be called '...
South Sea Islanders
From the 1860s, the demand for labour on the sugar cane plantations of Fiji and Queensland, Australia, resulted in blackbirding...
African Warrior Queen
Ana Nzinga was a legendary warrior queen in 17th-century Portuguese Guinea (modern-day Angola) who opposed the Portuguese slave...
Minisymposium: Slavernij in het Nederlandse imperium
Het debat over het slavernijverleden beperkt zich in Nederland meestal tot de Atlantische slavenhandel. Minder bekend is dat in...
Slave Trade Logics
Two vessels of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) were sent from the VOC's Pulicat factory in South India to the kingdom Arakan (...
Indigenous Slavery
The Belgian missionary Louis Hennepin was picnicking on the banks on the Mississippi on 12 April 1680, when he 'suddenly...
Comfort Women
On January 8, 1992, the first 'Wednesday Demonstration' was held by surviving comfort women and sympathizers in front of the...
Caucasian Slave Trade
Local populations of the Caucasus including the Circassians long practiced various forms of servitude and slave trading. In the...
Free Babies and Seniors
While parental emotions and well-being of the elderly slaves seemed of no interest to plantation holders, costs of maintenance...
Haitian Revolution
On 29 August 1793 the former domestic slave Toussaint l'Ouverture spoke in the language of the French Revolution to the black...
Amistad Rebellion
The Amistad Rebellion is one of the most famous shipboard revolts in history. It was part of a massive Atlantic wave of...
Slave Revolt?
Two African and one Indian slave killed a farm family of seven whites in Newton, Long Island, N.Y. on 28 February 1708. The...
Successful Seamstress
Elizabeth Keckley began working at the White House on 5 March 1861 as the personal dresser and modiste of the First Lady, Mary...
Slave Uprising Curaçao
The Dutch colony Curaçao was one of the largest slave depots in the Caribbean, but relatively few slaves remained at the island...
Slavery Abolished
President Lincoln declared slavery in the Confederate States unlawful on 1 January 1861. Slaves were freed at the stroke of a pen...
Enslaved and Free Enslaved in Brazil
On 13 May 1888, Brazil was the last Latin American country to abolish slavery. About 15 percent of the population were slaves....
Slave Ship "Zong"
In the days following 29 November 1781, the crew of the British slave ship "Zong" massacred around 130 enslaved Africans by...
How much did the Netherlands earn from slavery?
The Netherlands abolished slavery exactly 150 years ago, but controversy continues about how much the country actually earned...
Lecture: The Politics of Ambiguity in Brazilian Slave Emancipation
Sidney Chalhoub is professor of history at the University of Campinas, Brazil, and one of the best specialists in Slavery,...
200 Slaves Arrived in Surinam
The Dutch colonies have published newspapers since the 18th century. A fine example is the Surinaamsche Nieuwsvertelder [The...
Plantation Leases Slaves
The Klein-Pouderoyen plantation was owned by Dutch nationals, even after 1814, when Guyana became British territory. African...
Abolition of the Slave Trade
The colloquium focused on the long-term consequences of the British abolition of the Atlantic slave trade (1807-8). The...
Sugarlandia Revisited
Sugar was the single most valuable bulk commodity traded internationally before oil became the world’s prime resource. From the...
Free and Unfree Labour
Historically, capitalism has always integrated various forms of unfree labour, including chattel slavery, convict labour and debt...
Humanitarian Intervention and Changing Labor Relations
In 1807 the British "Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade" received the Royal Assent. The Act represented the first...