Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Database of the archives of the Christian Trade Union Movement in the Netherlands

This database resulted from a joint effort of the Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond (CNV, Christian National Trades Union) and the International Institute of Social History. It contains all known archives of Protestant trade unions in the Netherlands. For each archive more detail is supplied than in a hard copy archival guide but less than a conventional inventory.

The database accommodates various search parameters. Pressing a few keys will provide users with for example an overview of all available material about working conditions, everything about union finances, all the information on police unions or a selection according to union, type of material and period. You can download the database on this page as an access file.

Arno Bornebroek, who compiled the database in 2000, has written a manual describing historical research on the Protestant trade union movement in the Netherlands: Gids van de archieven van de christelijke vakbeweging in Nederland (Amsterdam, Stichting beheer IISG, 1998, ISBN 90.6861.161.1). This guide contains an overview of historiography on the Protestant union movement and a brief history of the unions featured in the database.