Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Winner Volkskrant-IISH Thesis Award 2013

The Volkskrant-IISH Thesis Award 2013 has been awarded to Stefan Penders for his thesis Imperial waters. Roman River God Art in Context.

Penders researched the enormous popularity of river gods on coins and in art during the golden age of the Roman Empire. He was wondering how to explain the rise, flowering, and decline of these kind of art works and for that purpose combined insights from archaeology and art history with classical texts.

Stefan Penders studied Ancient History at the University of Leiden. His Leiden University supervisor was Prof. dr Frits Naerebout.

Interview (in Dutch) on

Interview (in Dutch) on

The jury

  • Prof. dr Judith Pollmann (chair), University of Leiden
  • Drs Aad Blok, International Institute of Social History
  • Michiel van der Geest,  de Volkskrant
  • Prof. dr Karin Hofmeester, International Institute of Social History
  • Prof. dr Jan Lucassen,  International Institute of Social History

The prize

The IISH and Dutch Newspaper de Volkskrant created an annual prize for the best master thesis written at a Dutch university, in the field of national or international history. The winner will be awarded a prize of € 1500. More about the prize and past years' winners. See also the shortlist for 2013.

For more information please contact: Aukje Lettinga (

11 December 2013