Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Greenpeace Film at IDFA Festival

The film How to Change the World  will premiere in the Netherlands at the De Balie  cinema in Amsterdam on 20 October and is to be screened at IDFA International Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam in November.

How to Change the World, a film made by Jerry Rothwell, chronicles the adventures of the Greenpeace pioneers.
In the early 1970s, Canadian hippie journalists, photographers, musicians, scientists, and American draft dodgers set out to stop Richard Nixon’s atomic bomb tests in Amchitka, Alaska and ended up creating a worldwide movement.
The film spans the period from the first expedition to enter the nuclear test zone in 1971 through the first whale and seal campaigns, and ends in 1979, when the founders gave away their central role to create Greenpeace International.

How To Change The World draws on interviews with the key players and hitherto unseen archive footage. In the Greenpeace archives kept at the IISH in Amsterdam lie over a thousand silver cans of 16mm film, many unopened since the 1970s. As of 22 October, the film will be screened in various cinemas in the Netherlands (click to view the playlist)



19 October 2015