Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


Rickshaw Revolt
An American entrepreneur proposed to import several hundred rickshaws in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, in 1902. The...
Flor Contemplacion
In SIngapore, the Filipino domestic worker Flor Contemplacion, aged 42,  was hanged for murdering her fellow maid and the little...
Call Center Workers
Critics refer to call-centers as modern-day sweat-shops. The call-center industry in the Philippines has exploded: there are 400....
Revolutionary Society
During the last week of August 1896 - the exact date and location are disputed -, the Philippine Revolution against Spanish rule...
Lean Alejandro killed
On 19 September 1987, assassins killed Lean Alejandro, the 27-year old Philippine leader who rose from the ranks of the student...
Banners against President Estrada
Following a long, successful career as a film actor and mayor, Joseph Estrada attained the highest office in the Philippines in...
High-cost Activism and the Worker Household
High-cost Activism and the Worker Household: Revolutionary Activism among Phillippine plantation workers....
Media and the Elections 2004 in Indonesia and the Philippines
SeminarThe Dark Side of DemocratizationDemocratisation in Indonesia and the Philippines comes with several problems. First,...
From Erosion Control to Food Crisis Management
From Erosion Control to Food Crisis Management - Changing gender divisions of labor in a Philippine upland village.
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