Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

1966 Beatrix and Provo

On March 10, 1966, Princess Beatrix married the German Claus von Amsberg in the city of Amsterdam, where Provo, a one-year-old anarchist youth movement, provoked lawful authorities, the monarchy, and “the mindless masses” in a playful and imaginative way. All day long there were riots and a few smoke bombs were thrown.

Provo organized various playful actions but they were not appreciated by the police. The Provotarian sector organization Oranje Komitee De Parel van de Jordaan issued a warning that evil people would administer LSD to the mounted police's horses.

'Appeltjes van Oranje', a handwritten flyer from Provo
IISH call no BG D 62/457