Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Musicians' Union

The Koninklijke Nederlandse Toonkunstenaars Vereniging (KNTV) (Royal Dutch Musicians' Association) was founded in 1875 and is one of the oldest trade unions in the Netherlands. Prior to founding, initiator Gustaaf Adolf Heinze, composer and conductor, said his dream was this: 'a union of fellow musicians who, no matter how small, can promote the interests of Dutch musicians, where one can discuss the interests of Dutch music making and where cordiality among members comes foremost. If later the means are there, then the focus can be expanded, and more general interests taken to heart.' (inv no. 1). The KNTV evolved along these lines into a trade union for performing musicians, music teachers and composers. Dilettantes (art-loving members) were kept outside the door, KNTV was meant for the interests of professional musicians.

Musicians were  usually idealistic loners with serious financial problems.  The KNTV established a Support Fund, which could pay out modest sums in case of illness or accident. In 1930, after a merger with other organizations, the membership totalled 780. Reason to start establishing local branches. During the occupation, the KNTV rejected all national-socialistic involvement and the entire board was removed from their posts. After the liberation KNTV was re-established, with about 700 members. In addition to branches, there now also were sections, such as composers, music pedagogues, church musicians, conductors and concert playing instrumentalists. KNTV was engaged in music education from the outset, where once again the importance of specialist teachers was stressed. They decided to set up their own certification and exams. The first exams already took place in 1880.

In January 2015 KNTV was abolished. The complete archive landed at the Institute, where it fits in the context of music trade union archives like the Professional Association of Improvising Musicians (Beroepsvereniging van Improviserende Musici, BIM), the Dutch Musicians Association (Nederlandse Toonkunstenaarsbond) and the Music Department in the archives of the Federation of Professional Artists Associations (Federatie van Beroepsverenigingen van Kunstenaars).
The IISH received a generous grant from the Stichting Beheer Muziekfondsen in order to have this archive arranged. (text Margreet Schrevel)

17 February 2015