Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Asia Research

Dr Ulbe Bosma
- Indonesian Migration
- Plants, People and Work: The Social History of Cash Crops in Asia, 18th to 20th Centuries (Sugarlandia: Sugar, Ecology and Social Process)

Bhaswati Bhattacharya
- Plants, People and Work: The Social History of Cash Crops in Asia, 18th to 20th Centuries

Dr Jan Kok
- Family Formation in Europe and Asia

Prof. dr Willem van Schendel
- History of Bangladesh
- Asian Labour History
- Borders Project
- Dislocated Populations in South Asia
- Plants, People and Work: The Social History of Cash Crops in Asia, 18th to 20th Centuries (A Tool of Imperial Policy: Indigo)

Kathinka Sinha-Kerkhoff
- Plants, People and Work: The Social History of Cash Crops in Asia, 18th to 20th Centuries

Prof. dr Jan Luiten van Zanden
- Reconstruction National Accounts of Java 1815-1939

Touraj Atabaki
- Social History of the Middle East and Central Asia
- Oil in Caucasus and Iran

Daan Marks
- The Services Sector in Indonesian Economic Development 1900-2000

Ratna Saptari
- Plants, People and Work: The Social History of Cash Crops in Asia, 18th to 20th Centuries (Tobacco and Cultures of Dependence)