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Home > About IISH > Staff - by department > Staff - alphabetical > Jan Luiten van ZandenJan Luiten van Zanden

1975-1981 Student of economics and history at the Free University, Amsterdam
1981-1985 Research assistant at the Faculty of History and Arts of the Free University
1985 Ph.D. at the Agricultural University of Wageningen on The Economic Development of Agriculture in the Netherlands in the nineteenth century
1985-1987 Lecturer in Economic History at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam
1987-1992 Professor in Economic and Social History at the Free University, Amsterdam
1992- Professor in Economic History at the University of Utrecht
1994-1998 Director of the N.W. Posthumus Institute, Netherlands graduate school for economic and social history
1997- Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences
1998-2006 Secretary-General of the International Economic History Association
1999-2000 Advisor of the Commission on financial assets of victims of the Second World War (Commissie Scholten)
2001- Senior Research Fellow at the IISH
2006- Vice-president of the International Economic History Association, and chair of the Local Organizing Committee of the XVth World Economic History Congress, Utrecht 2009
In 2003 I was awarded the Spinoza premium by NWO.
In 2003 the prize for the best article published in Explorations in Economic History in 2002/2003 was awarded to the paper 'Rich and Poor before the Industrial Revolution: a comparison between Java and the Netherlands at the beginning of the 19th century', Explorations in Economic History 40, 1-23.
A complete bibliography and pdf files of many older publications can be found on: Darenet: Keur der Wetenschap.
Specific projects:
- the IISH list of data bases of Historical Prices and Wages
- Economic History of Indonesia in 19th and 20th centuries
- BINT (History of Dutch Business in 20th century)
- Reconstruction National Accounts of Holland, 1500-1800
- Changing the rules of the academic game: see the paper Do ut des (pdf, 195Kb, revised August 2006), written with Tine de Moor.
- Global historical bibliometrics
- XVTh World Economic History Congress
- Utrecht Conferences on Global Economic History
Selected publications
New publications:- The Long Road to the Industrial Revolution. The European Economy in a Global Perspective, 1000-1800. Leiden: Brill Publishers.
- with Moor, 'Do ut des. Collaboratories as a 'new' method for scholarly communication and cooperation for global and world history', Historical Methods, 41(2) 2008, pp. 67-78.
- with Joerg Baten, 'Book production and the onset of modern economic growth', Journal of Economic Growth, 13, 3, 217-235.
- 'The road to the Industrial Revolution: hypotheses and conjectures about the medieval origins of the "European Miracle"', Journal of Global History, 3, no. 3, November 2008, pp 337-359.
- 'The skill premium and the "Great Divergence"'European Review of Economic History, Volume 13, Issue 01, April 2009, pp 121-153.
- with Tine de Moor, 'Van fouten kan je leren. Een kritische benadering van de mogelijkheden van 'leeftijdstapelen' voor sociaal-economisch onderzoek naar gecijferdheid in het pre-industriële Vlaanderen en Nederland', Tijdschrift voor sociale en economische geschiedenis, 4, 2008, 55-87.
- with Eltjo Buringh, 'Charting the "Rise of the West": Manuscripts and Printed Books in Europe, A Long-Term Perspective from the Sixth through Eighteenth Centuries', forthcoming in The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 69, No. 2 (June 2009)
- with Tine de Moor, 'Girlpower. The European Marriage Pattern (EMP) and Labour Markets in the North Sea Region in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Period' forthcoming in Economic History Review, 2009.
- A History of Royal Dutch Shell, Jan Luiten van Zanden, Stephen Howarth, Joost Jonker and Keetie Sluyterman, IV volumes, 1800 pp, Boom publishers and Oxford University Press 2007. Statistical appendices.
Books - and P. Hoppenbrouwers (eds.) From Peasants to Farmers? The transformation of the rural economy and society in the Low Countries (Middle Ages-19th century) in the light of the Brenner debate. Corn Publication Series 2 (Turnhout: Brepols 2001).
- With Sakari Heikkinen (eds.) Explorations in Economic Growth. A festschrift for Riitta Hjerppe on her 60th birthday. Aksant 2004.
- 'The first green revolution. The growth of production and productivity in European agriculture', Economic History Review, XLIV (1991) 215-239
- 'Tracing the beginning of the Kuznets curve: Western Europe during the early modern period', Economic History Review, XLVIII (1995) 643-64
- and E. Buyst and J.P.H. Smits, 'National Accounts for the Low Countries, 1800-1990', Scandinavian Economic History Review, 43 (1995) 53-76
- and J. Jonker, 'Method in the madness? Banking crisis between the Wars, an internationale comparison', in C. Feinstein (red.) Banking, currency, & finance in Europe between the wars (Oxford 1995) 77-93
- 'The development of agricultural productivity in Europe 1500-1800' Neha-jaarboek, 61 (1998), 66-87) (also published in B.J.P. van Bavel and E. Thoen (eds.) Land Productivity and agro-systems in the North Sea Area. Corn Publications Series 2 (Turnhout: Brepols 1999) 357-377)
- and E. Horlings, 'The Rise of the European Economy, 1500-1800', in: T. Sutcliffe a.s. (eds.) Europe in the International Economy 1500 to 2000 (Celtenham: Edward Elgar 1999)
- 'Wages and the standard of living in Europe, 1500-1800', European Review of Economic History, 3 (2), (1999) 175-198
- 'Early modern economic growth: a survey of the European economy, 1500-1800' in M. Prak (ed.) Early Modern Capitalism (London 2000) 69-87
- 'The Great Convergence from a West-European Perspective: some thoughts and hypotheses', Itinerario 24 (2001) ¾, 9-29
- 'The revolt of the early modernists: an assessment', Economic History Review, LV (2002) 595-623
- De timmerman, de boekdrukker en het ontstaan van de Europese kenniseconomie. Openingscollege 31 augustus 2004 (The carpenter, the printer and the rise of the European knowledge economy; lecture at the opening of the academic year). Universiteit Utrecht 2004; also published in Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis, 2005, 105-121.
- 'Una estimación del crecimiento económico en la Edad Moderna', Investigaciones de Historia Económica, 2, 2005, 9-38.
- and R.T. Griffiths, Economische geschiedenis van Nederland in de twintigste eeuw (Het Spectrum, Utrecht 1989)
- (editor) The economic development of the Netherlands since 1870 (Edward Elgar; Cheltenham 1995)
- and M. 't Hart and J. Jonker (eds.) A Financial History of the Netherlands (Cambridge U.P. 1997)
- The economic history of the Netherlands in the 20th century (Routhledge London 1997); translated and slightly extended edition published in Dutch: Een klein land in de lange twintigste eeuw (Het Spectrum Utrecht 1997)
- and Keetie Sluyterman, Joost Dankers and Jos van der Linden, Het Coöperatieve Alternatief. Honderd Jaar Rabobank 1898-1998 (SDU Den Haag 1998)
- and E. Bloemen and J. Kok, De top 100 van industriële bedrijven in Nederland, 1913-1990 (Adviesraad voor Wetenschaps- en Technologiebeleid; Den Haag 1993)
- and R. Uittenbogaard, 'Expansion, internationalization and concentration, 1950-1990', in T. de Graaf a.o. (eds.) Worldwide Banking. ABN AMRO 1824-1999 (Amsterdam: ABN AMRO 1999)
- 'Post-war European economic development as an out of equilibrium growth path. The case of the Netherlands', De Economist, 2000 (148) 539-55
- 'Loonmatiging en het poldermodel in historisch perspectief', Tijdschift voor arbeidsvraagstukken, 18 (2002) 4, 284-291
- and J, van Roosmalen, 'Cooperatives: their economic function and the rise of Dutch cooperatives' in: W van Diepenbeek (ed.) Cooperatives and cooperative banks. Their contribution to economic and rural development (Utrecht: Rabobank International, 2001).
- 'Driewerf hoera voor het poldermodel', Economisch Statistische Berichten, 87, 3 mei 2002, 344-48.
- 'A short history of ABN AMRO Bank in international perspective', in T. de Graaf, Joost Jonker en Jaap-Jan Mobron (eds.) European Banking overseas, 19th-20th century (Amsterdam: Aksant 2002) 15-29.
- De economische ontwikkeling van de Nederlandse landbouw in de negentiende eeuw, 1800-1914 (Wageningen, 1985; also published in the series A.A.G.Bijdragen 25 and by HES uitgeverij Utrecht)
- De industrialisatie in Amsterdam 1825-1914 (Octavo, Bergen, 1987)
- 'Den zedelijken en materielen toestand der arbeidende bevolking ten platten lande'. Een reeks rapporten uit 1851, Historia Agriculturae 21 (Groningen 1990); also published in the series Agronomisch historische bijdragen 14 (Wageningen 1990)
- The Transformation of European Agriculture in the 19th Century: The Case of the Netherlands (VU University Press, 1994)
- and J.-P. Smits and E. Horlings, Dutch GNP and its Components, 1800-1913 (Groningen Growth and Development Centre 2000). The estimates concerning the Dutch economy 1800-1913 and the text of this book are available on
- and A. van Riel, Nederland 1780-1914. Staat, instituties en economische ontwikkeling (Balans Amsterdam 2000); English edition: The Strictures of Inheritance. The Dutch Economy in the Nineteenth Century. Princeton University Press 2004
- 'Dutch Economic History of the period 1500-1940: a review of the present state of affairs', Economic and social history in the Netherlands, I (1989) 9-30
- and C.A. Mandemakers, 'The height of conscripts and national income: apparant relations and misconceptions', Explorations in economic history 30 (1993) 81-97
- 'The development of Government Finances in a chaotic period, 1807-1850' in Economic and Social History in the Netherlands, 7 (1996) 53-71
- Arbeid tijdens het handelskapitalisme. Een nieuwe interpretatie van de opkomst en de achteruitgang van de economie van Holland, 1350-1850 (Bergen 1991); a translation was published as The Rise and Decline of Holland's economy. Merchant Capitalism and the Labour Market. (Manchester University Press 1993)
- and Lee Soltow, Income and Wealth Inequality in the Netherlands 1500-1990 (Het Spinhuis Amsterdam 1998) (also covers 19th and 20th centuries)
- and Cor Trompetter, Over de geschiedenis van het platteland in Overijssel (1550- 1850). Elf studies. (Kampen: IJsselacademie 2001).
- with Tine de Moor, Vrouwen en de geboorte van het kapitalisme in West-Europa. Boom, 2006.
- 'Op zoek naar de "missing link". Hypothesen over de opkomst van Holland in de late Middeleeuwen en de Vroeg-Moderne Tijd', Tijdschrift voor sociale geschiedenis, 14 (1988) 359-86.
- 'Economic growth in the Golden Age 1500-1650', Economic and social history in the Netherlands IV (1992) 5-29.
- 'The Dutch economy in the very long run', in: E. Szirmai e.a. (eds.) Explaining economic growth (Amsterdam: NorthHolland 1993) 267-283.
- and L. Noordegraaf, 'Early modern economic growth and the standard of living. Did labor benefit from Holland's Golden Age?' in: C.A. Davids en J. Lucassen (red.) A miracle mirrored (Cambridge U.P. 1995) 410-37.
- 'The paradox of the marks. The exploitation of commons in the Eastern Netherlands, 1250-1850', Agricultural History Review, 47 (2), (1999) 125-45.
- 'Economische groei in Holland tussen 1500 en 1800', Neha-bulletin (2001) 15, 65-76.
- 'Taking the measure of the early modern economy: historical national accounts for Holland in 1510/14', European Review of Economic History, 6 (2002) 131-163
- 'The ecological constraints of an early modern economy. The case of Holland 1350-1800', in S. Cavachiocci (ed.) Economia ed Energia Secoli XIII-XVIII (le Monnier 2002) 1011-1030 (also published in Neha-Jaarboek, 66 (2002) 85-103).
- with Christiaan van Bochove, 'Two engines of early modern economic growth? Herring Fisheries and Whaling during the Dutch Golden Age (1600- 1800)' , in S. Cavaciocchi (ed.) Ricchezza del Mare secc XIII-XVIII. Le Monnier 2006, 557-575.
- with Maarten Prak, 'Towards an economic interpretation of citizenship. The Dutch Republic between medieval communes and modern nation states', European Review of Economic History, 10, no.2 (2006), 121-147.
- with Bas van Bavel, 'The Jump Start of the Holland economy during the late Medieval Crisis, c 1350-1500', Economic History Review, Vol. 57 (2004), pp. 503-532.
- with P. Boomgaard, Food crops and arable land, Java 1815-1942, Changing Economy in Indonesia, 10 (Amsterdam 1990).
- 'Rich and Poor before the Industrial Revolution: a comparison between Java and the Netherlands at the beginning of the 19th century', Explorations in Economic History 40, 1-23.
- 'The growing maturity of Indonesian economic history', Itinerario, XXVI, 3-4, 9-15.
- 'On the efficiency of markets for agricultural products. Rice prices and capital markets in 19th century Java', Journal of Economic History, 64 (2004) 1028-1055.